[b]West Coleman - Manhattan, New York [/b] Another day in New York, filled with crime, filled with opportunity for West to make a change for Evo’s everywhere. [i][b]The problem is there’s not any EVO out here trying to change our image. You know what happens when a celebrity gets bad publicity or a politician. They get some good PR done, that’s what we need for our whole specie some good PR and I’m going to be that PR. If the Media wants to run a smear campaign I’ll make it a damn hard job to run one on me. [/b][/i] West was writing an update on his journal, he enjoyed writing. He wasn’t the most talented author and he doubted he’d get anything published any time soon. But it was refreshing to jot down how he felt on paper, he needed all the forms of positive expression he could get after his time in the military. Today was his day off which meant it was a full day for his alter ego. Motion. Yeah he didn’t really go by the codename that often, but it’s what he’d been labeled due to his vast speed. He’d been trying to figure out for a while how to help his fellow Evo’s out when he was nothing but a lowly security guard. Being an evo activist wasn’t enough especially since he himself was unregistered and living with false documentation. He went over to his police scanner and listened in.” Alright now this sounds like some fun, nothing wrong some exercise.” [i] A couple of punks dressed as security guards think they can just go and rob a bank in my city not happening [/i] Moving at superhuman speeds he changed into his uniform. An all black thin body armor suit that offered him durability with minimal restrictions on his movement. Within the blink of an eye he arrived at his destination the bank seeing hostages were being held captive at gun-point while they were trying to break open a vault. “Who the fuck.” “Hmm…you guys really picked the wrong day, honestly you want my advice lay down your guns and just turn yourselves on. Save yourself an unnecessary ass kicking whaddya say?” One of the men dressed as guards looked at West and shook his head.” Who the fuck?! Kill this fucking clown!”  West looked at his opponents a couple of armed guards and smirked as the raised their weapons they had no idea who they were going up against. “You really think that’s going to stop me” Before the first trigger was pulled and the bullets were sent flying it seemed West was nowhere to be seen. The Gunmen looked around bewildered wondering where there target had went only to hear the caped crusader whistle and tap the shoulder of one of the shooters who promptly turned around weapon drawn. “Hey he’s right here fucking bastard!” The man went to pull the trigger again only this time as the bullets left the gun the slowed to an immediate halt and hit the ground. West merely shook his head and moving at super-human speeds blitzed the guard taking him down.  “Nah uhh come on guys I’m much faster then a speeding” Before he finished his sentence all the guards were disarmed and speed blitzed being slammed into various walls or other things in the room. “Bullet” West looked around at the disoriented and disgruntled guards who seemed to be on the verge of unconscious from the super fast blows they’d just been dealt. “Hmm I think you guys learned your lessons unless you fancy another beat down, alright so what have we learned here today, armed bank robbery is not a good idea well at least for you guys, alright I hear sirens so it’s about time I dip.” Right as he said that the speedster vanished speeding off to elsewhere in the city to attend to other business. Within seconds he was back in his room and out of his costume changing some jeans and a white T Shirt. “Now that was fun, now let’s see what’s on the news tonight.” West reached for the remote and turned on the TV. He kicked his feet up and laid back on his bed only to jump upon seeing the caption. His eyes were wide as he saw the news about the Evo elementary school shooting in Texas.” Oh my god…”