[@Lucius Cypher] If possible, could I get some more info about the Planescape and the Kharnate? His backstory's fine and I don't really have a problem with anything aside from maybe the mushrooms--I'd like to be sure that he can't use them to just beast through everything in his way--but I like the ideas about the tribals/wildmen and some of their similarities to Mongols (from my perspective anyway). Otherwise he's accepted. [@Loco] On one hand, as a Monster Hunter fan, I'm into things like this in games. But on the other hand, as bleak as this world is and as strongly as magic is linked with the Night, I think the materials you would be using from the monsters might be too tainted, both literally and in the eyes of the setting's society, to really use such an idea. A weapon made from the bones of foul beasts would probably be seen as demonic in its own right, even if it didn't contain the essence of the creature it was made from; and other things might be too outright poisonous or corruptive to be handled by humans. I'm pretty strongly on the fence on it. Do you have any ideas or examples of the items you planned on creating? OOC should be up in just a bit, soon as I finish dinner.