[quote=@Lucius Cypher] Fo sho. I'm working on them right now, and they're sort of a mix of mongols and highlanders. As for the mushrooms they essentially enable his "Rage", and while he has a few they don't grow native to the area and taking more than one weakens the effect. He only has three to start with, so he would only use it in a situation that is dire, like being outnumbered or facing off against a powerful animal (Or even the succubus herself). Though if you don't mind I'd also like to take some liberties writing about the tribals of the Shadow Vale, who are unrelated to the Plaanescape or Kharnate (Though some have origins from there). They're more like the orks from Warhammer, albeit civilized enough to not kill everyone on sight.[/quote] Alright, that should be fine then. As for the tribals, would you mind terribly if they're a pretty rare sight away from the borders of the kingdom and are considered "savages" that are routinely "driven away from our lands" and such by the knights of this as-yet-unnamed kingdom that the Vale is part of?