[hider=Gaz] [color=fff79a]Name:[/color] [color=fff200]Gaz[/color] [color=fff79a]Epithet:[/color] [color=fff200]Gaz, G, zheltyy[/color] [color=fff79a]Age:[/color] [color=fff200]18[/color] [color=fff79a]Gender:[/color] [color=fff200]Male[/color] [color=fff79a]Height:[/color] [color=fff200]182.88 cm[/color] [color=fff79a]Weight:[/color] [color=fff200]83 kg[/color] [color=fff79a]Appearance:[/color][color=fff200] Gaz stands at the height of 6'1 and weighs 199 pounds, he has bright Yellow irises, with short snow white hair on his head and with thin matching white eyebrows, he has dark skin and kind of a constant glare on his face, on the side of his mouth he has a small vertical scar, on his left ear he has a small earring in his lobe. Gaz has a lightly muscular build. Gaz's wardrobe consist of a simple t-shirt with the phrase " Like a boss." on it in capital letters, over his shirt he wears a black leather jacket with a vertical yellow stripe on his sleeves his, with his right sleeve rolled up and the jacket always half zipped-up, on his nose and mouth he wears a yellow colored doctor's mask with a monster mouth design on it, on his legs he wears a pair of worn old jeans with a brown belt around his waist, on his feet he wears a pair of tan boots. [/color] [color=fff79a]Personality:[/color][color=fff200] To put it short for Gaz, well short in a way, he is sarcastic, rude, rebellious and perverted, often disrespecting or mocking people that angers him, most of all he's very cocky, he believes in his own abilities to take down anyone that gets in his way, and when he loses he just claims he found a different move that just doesn't work for him. Gaz is also a misanthrope saying that he apparently hates everyone equally, Gaz is very devious and takes great pleasure in causing mischief towards others just to see people either annoyed or pissed off claiming it's extremely funny and fun. But oddly enough when Gaz gets serious about something he changes completely, he gets completely serious, logical, and puts all of his focus onto it no matter how much pain and misery it may cause someone. He has a hard time completely trusting someone, but when he does he shows it one way or another. Gaz is very hard to anger, and also at times really easy to make him mad, if someone really wanted to make him truly mad then they would have to take away what he likes and try to kill the people he cares for, if you want to annoy him then just take away his television.[/color] [color=fff79a]Short Bio:[/color][color=fff200] Gaz was born in south east Asia, like many others he was born without an identity and without a name, unlike many others who thought getting an identity from their government was important, Gaz didn't care about getting one from them, he figured making his own identity gave him an odd type of freedom. People didn't know him and police didn't know him, when he saw the way how the people in his area were being treated he figured that he wouldn't get caught since he was a person that had nothing to him, he was a John Doe. Gaz soon became a vigilante and a drifter, a very dangerous one, he journeyed around defeating who he deemed bad and those he felt he could take on, after kicking enough ass in one spot, he ended up getting both fans, but also people that wanted him dead, but after a couple fights with people that really tried killing him, he figured he needed to get good and actually take some training instead of just going off what he thinks is cool and without any actual skill. Gaz soon found himself disappearing and turning up to Akatsuki academy.[/color] [color=fff79a]Manifestation:[/color] [color=fff200]Copy Gatz- Like the name means, Gaz can steal your moves, unless it's weapon based, he can copy your very move if it's energy based or physical. If Gaz has seen your manifestation first hand or has been attacked with it, he'll be able to copy it and hit you back with your own manifestation. In his mind it's his very best troll skill if he can take down an enemy with it.[/color] [color=fff79a]Weapons:[/color][color=fff200] Two metal gloves that ignite when both slam into each other, in the forearm area of the gloves there are bolts that fire out the wrist of the gloves, they can also be ignited and become fire bolts when fired while the gloves are ignited. What ever else he can get his hands on, even if he needs to take another person's dropped weapon.[/color] [color=fff79a]Equipment:[/color] [color=fff200]A simple bigass cellphone, several yellow doctor's mask. [/color] [color=fff79a]Other:[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yRrxlom6ko[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Eiko XXVII] [color=0072bc]Name:[/color] [color=0054a6]Eiko XXVII [/color] [color=0072bc]Epithet:[/color] [color=0054a6]XXVII, Ei-chan, The 27th one, Kobaruto[/color] [color=0072bc]Gender:[/color] [color=0054a6]Female [/color] [color=0072bc]Race:[/color] [color=0054a6]Human[/color] [color=0072bc]Age:[/color] [color=0054a6]17[/color] [color=0072bc]Height:[/color] [color=0054a6]5'7 [/color] [color=0072bc]Weight:[/color] [color=0054a6]131[/color] [color=0072bc]Appearance[/color]:[color=0054a6] Eiko stands at the height of 5'7, and weighs around 111 lbs, she has a fair skin tone with dark raven colored hair that nearly reaches her shoulders and with some of her hair hanging in between her eyes, she has sapphire colored eyes that turn red when she gets angered, under her right eye she has a small brand of the roman numerals of the number 27 on her face, she has thin pink lips, with a small nose and thin eyebrows over top of her eyes. Eiko has a thin Ectomorph build with no real muscles, Eiko has thin and somewhat long limbs, she has an average size bust for someone her age.[/color] [color=0054a6]Eiko wears a white collared pinstriped shirt with cobalt pinstripes and the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, around her neck she wears a cobalt tie, she wears a pair of black pair of dress pants, holding up her pants she wears a pair of black suspenders, on her feet she wears a pair of black dress shoes, on Eiko's hands she wears a pair of black leather gloves with cobalt decals. [/color] [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] [color=0054a6]Unlike the original, Eiko XXVII is actually a little more emotional at moments, but she still can be quiet and stoic at times and pretend to not show emotion like the original Eiko. Eiko speaks in a light Japanese accent, and tries to use big English words when she speaks to others, even if she can be completely off or just horrible. XXVII is skilled and a very swift learner but not experienced, she can handle herself in a fight against a group of people, XXVII's abilities best show when she uses a short sword, or in hand to hand combat, and a sub machine guns. When in a fight using only her hands or short sword she relies on speed in the fight. XXVII mostly favors tactics from comic books, usually using them as training manuals and emulating them not caring for the " Do no try at home " quote in the book, she usually does what she know she can do, she knows her limits when trying new moves. XXVII has a heroic sense of justice unlike the person she was cloned from who has a more neutral sense of justice, XXVII feels she should be heroic and often says." I am Hero in these parts." showing that she really cares about being a hero. When it comes down to thinking about herself XXVII thinks of her self as a second rate human being, she knows of her origins and that shes not her own person and when she thinks too much about herself she questions if the choices she makes are her own, or just her genes making the choices for her. Like many people Eiko's age she loves certain trending things, Manga, Anime, and video games, but just because she likes things that can become trendy she doesn't blindly follow them like other people do.[/color] [color=0072bc]Short Bio:[/color] [color=0072bc]Eiko XXVII is one of many clones created by a being or person named Prometheus, they made several dozens of clones as if they were making a bakery but with clones, and training them, but for what XXVII doesn't remember what they were being trained for exactly, but whatever it was it was gonna be big since the number of clones were almost in the hundreds. But back to XXVII, when she became 10 she started her training, and unlike the other clones she wasn't as good, when she needed to be fast she was too slow, when she needed to be strong she was too weak, everything she did wasn't good enough. Every thing XXVII did was seen as average or below average, and after failing several test Prometheus began making plans on culling her, and the other clones even began making fun of her somewhat; when XXVII learned of it she decided to escape the cloning facility. She didn't know that the facility was in the mountains and extremely high up, but she managed to find hikers that helped her get to a nearby town, after her escape someone was sent to retrieve her and bring her back, and on a cold winter night the hunter that was tracking her down caught up with her at a bus station. Feeling like her life was endangered, XXVII fought against the over equipped hunter, dodging and countering next to all of his gadgets, swords, and lastly breaking his bo-staff. But in the end she was still taken down with a tranquilizer gun and take back to the facility, when she arrived with the hunter she oddly wasn't culled or put in a brig. She was forced to go back into training in the second year training class, the twenties series. After five years of the training and showing that she was best in her class, she ended up being the seventh best of the twenties series, when she asked for reason why it was because she tried to escape years ago. Soon their branding came where they would be forever marked by their skills in their class by a hot branding needle, Eiko was giving the roman numerals of the number 27 under her right eye unlike others who chose the traditional Japanese characters for their numbers. After their branding Prometheus allowed the clones to choose if they wanted to stay with the facility and work for Prometheus, or see the world, half of Eiko's class chose to stay while the other half decided to journey the world and find their purpose on the planet, XXVII left the facility and when she got a second taste of the outside air she decided to prove to Prometheus and her clone sisters that she was the best even if she started out as one of the weakest, to take more training she soon enrolled into Akatsuki Acdemy, but before she even dared to step onto the academy steps she defeated every single one of the clones in her class and one in the first class.[/color] [color=0072bc]Manifestation:[/color] [color=0054a6]Light reinforcements- Eiko creates three shadowy clones of herself, three being the maximum she makes without needing to concentrate, if she makes more than three she would need to focus on each of them to keep them in reality. The shadow clones are mostly used for decoys and can be easily taken out with light attacks such as punches or kicks, Eiko can use her shadow clones in sense of utility, such as just jumping off them or as a bridge if needed, they all take on a dark form of her looking like a 3d version of a shadow.[/color] [color=0072bc]Weapons:[/color] [color=0054a6]-Throwing knives -Wakizashi with a super heating sheathe ( Japanese short sword )[/color] [hider=2 Mp7s][img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRX0jNK7wE1HYYdZV4KCeLYDylDkOmnh4pHZkhsSR-QA0Z0TQ3[/img][/hider] [color=0072bc]Equipment:[/color] [color=0054a6]-Big touchscreen phone[/color] [color=0072bc]Other:[/color] [color=0054a6] [Youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMCYNH1EJTg[/youtube] Nothing else to be added. [/color] [/hider]