[hider= Eric] [center] [img]http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss299/emilyngracy/Anime%20Boys/large1_zpsaa15d589.jpg[/img] 6'1" and 145 lbs [i]"S-Sorry... I didn't mean to..."[/i] Eric Penwright 24 Male Human/Penholder ~Penholder~ Penholders are a group of extraordinary humans. Once, long ago, they were all together, living together. They were shunned from society and forced into hiding underground. They began a secret project titled, [b]"Difendere"[/b], Italian for Defend or Protect. They held that their group would protect the rights of others like themselves and that they would use their powers for the good of people. Some of them became entertainers, and some of them artists and writers. The penholders all held one commonality. The power to bring words and images to life. ~Powers~ -The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword- Eric can draw any weapon and bring it into existence. Sometimes the weapons don't function very well if they aren't well planned or drawn well. They can backfire and leave him defenseless. In this power, he is limited by his knowledge of weapons and his drawing abilities. The drawings only stay for about an hour before they disappear. This includes; weapons, barriers, objects, etc. -Pictures Speak A Thousand Words- Eric can bring little drawn characters to life. He can't draw very big characters yet as they appear as big as he drew them, unlike the weapons/objects. So most of the time he draws little chibi people to help him do things. The drawings can only stay alive for about an hour before they disappear and Eric must draw them again. -Picture Prison- If Eric really wants to, he can draw someone and imprison them in a drawing. This holding cell is only a temporary solution and the person will escape within an hour. If the drawing is destroyed before that time, the person will escape. Strong willed people can break the prison and escape if they really try. It takes a lot to do this however. ~Weaknesses~ -Materials- Though Eric can draw in sand and dirt, he usually needs pen and paper to manifest his powers. He carries around a notepad and a pen at all times to combat this. -Informal Combatant- Eric has no combat experience so he's not very proficient with any type of weapon. -Spineless- Eric doesn't have a backbone. He usually does what other people tell him to do and doesn't voice his own opinions very often. He is soft spoken, but kind. ~Personality~ Eric is a meek individual, often not speaking up for himself. He is quiet in tough situations, often thinking to himself of a way to get out of it. He enjoys talking to others but will avoid conflict at any cost. He loves his drawings and has a wall filled with them that he always keeps. ~Background~ One fine day, a young boy was born and the world seemed to rejoice. But, all was not well. Eric's father became abusive towards his mother and it all started when Eric was 5 years old. He was in Pre-K. That day, the children were drawing pictures of their favorite animals. Eric wasn't, as most children aren't, the best artist in the world at this time and drew a rather strange looking lion, a lion that came to life. It roared into existence, a small tiny malformed lion. The teachers called Eric's parents and told them. Eric's father was angry, and that was the day everything changed. Eric's mother told him that his grandfather was a Penholder, like Eric, and that he could do these things too. She gave Eric the manual her father gave her to give to him that explained everything. Years later, the abuse got worse and one day Eric found himself at a grave yard, looking at a gravestone with his mother's name. He ran away, running as far as he could. He found himself in the house of an older gentleman, one that had found him on the streets and had taken him in. The old man sent Eric to Athalia Academy, a place where a Penholder could find peace. [/center] [/hider] I'll edit him a bit later as well. #LazyGM