[@Atrophy][@Adriane][@Sol Grim][@sumi desu][@drummer-dan][@Raijinslayer]Only tagging those who already have characters active. Alright, so then, we have to have some discussion everyone! After Atrophy posts, I'm thinking I will next unless anyone has a post almost ready to go. Spoiler alert below, for those who may need more detail to fill in for the question that will come afterwards: [hider=Minor Spoiler]So in my post I plan on getting everyone to the Homestead, into the arena, and meeting the Chiefs. Quick, yeah, but I'm trying to get everyone new in as soon as possible. After Cyril asks for help, Seryosa blatantly refuses him, so Cyril is going to use some of what he knows by Guratan culture to have the issue decided through combat. The terms will be decided in the post, but before I do that I need to get some OOC information. So, without further ado...[/hider] So how many people want to be in the first real combat this roleplay has? It's gonna be Cyril + whoever else wants in, so depending on how much initial response I get will affect how many slots I make available, and I think I'll have it so there can be a buffer in case someone isn't able to immediately get on to respond to this question, but at the same time I don't want to be doing all the fighting myself. Speaking of, those the group will be fighting against will include both side characters provided by me and new people who will actually join the group, so yay, details! I'll go further into detail in how the fights will be handled closer to them actually happening.