[quote=@Loco] Well my original idea was to create a character that had an unhealthy obsession with the pale mist lady. Then I thought this guy was trying to purposely get himself marked. He be a supremely paranoid guy. He'd study how people got marked and interview them about it. He'd engineer methods of ways to avoid being marked by anything else. If he were to get marked, I'd imagine he'd be furious about it. However because he knows the basics of being marked he'd know that they'd come to him. Then he would viciously kill them. Like how dare they try to take him from from the object of his love and obsession? HOW DARE THEY!!? But then I thought that might be boring so I had a different idea. What do you think? [/quote] Having a Mark is akin to being a target of the Nightkin, and it sounds more like your idea would befit a cultist of some sort, or someone who just wanted to become part of the Night. I wasn't really planning on letting people play as the creatures of the Night--vampires, werewolves, witches, etc--because even though they may still look and act human, they are deeply twisted and most certainly evil, even if they don't think they are in their own heads. It's not a Twilight situation where it's just a helping of superpowers with some ridiculous angst to attempt justifying it. This setting is more akin to the horror stories of the middle ages where people sold their souls and never came out the better for it, no matter what they attempted. So I don't really think being obsessed with the Nightkin would be something you'd want to do. If any townspeople found out they'd burn him as a witch, if he offered himself to the Nightkin he'd either be killed or turned into a monster, so on and so forth. It doesn't really sound like a fun time to me. If you're really really interested in playing it from that angle, though, you could PM me and we'll discuss it.