Garaten sat comfortably slouched with a happy grin on his face. He refused Eden's pompous drink to his own more humble tastes. He was excited to see the brat hopefully get beaten. Tamara was rather suprised that the two would open up to her so quickly. Maybe they thought she was someone that was supposed to help them. From the glimpses that she barely managed to catch of their face, a lot of worry, sadness and pain radiated. Her expression and demeanor changed from one of joviality and happiness to something much more serious and pitiful. The two seemed quite desperate and tired now. They asked to speak with her privately, after explaining they were going to Vrondi. [i][color=568b51]The trip to Vrondi isn't that difficult.[/color][/i] Which for someone who didn't understand the constant fear of being caught, Vrondi was an easy trip. [b][color=568b51]"Sure, I'll follow you I guess."[/color][/b] She looked back at Garaten thoroughly enjoying himself and decided to let him stay and watch. [b][color=568b51]"Hey, I'll be back in a few minutes."[/color][/b] She whispered in his ear as she walked behind him. She followed the two upstairs and into their room. [b][color=568b51]"Well, there are quite a few questions I could be asking, but I'll just let you tell me what you want me to know. Although I am curious, what does the note say?"[/color][/b] [hr] Krutik and Cara were still watching the events of the bar unfold. Although Krutik was a little keener on the secrets going around right now. He knew this place had some dealings with the Therosi and it seemed like several patrons and staff were all a little on edge trying to act natural while keeping secrets. Cara was preoccupied with keeping an eye on the Fotians. She wanted to make sure they didn't get to nosy in the right ways, but she was also trying to find a good target to find information herself. As the two hooded figures went upstairs with the dragonlady, Krutik began to realize a potential reward, might actually be extra work to protect. He found himself defending his targets every once in a while. He tried to take as many missions as possible that didn't involve Seraphim or the Therosi. Occasionally he would even take one of their missions, either to fail it intentionally, or protect them. He didn't like thanks or recognition, so he tried to keep it lowkey. He decided to see if the innkeeper would be generous today. He began walking over to him, making it much clearer to the inn that he was very Seraphim. His wings large wings seemed to glow as he made his way to the innkeeper. He kept his body hidden pretty well, but those that were lucky enough to catch a glimpse found a very handsome and mysterious man. He actually enjoyed the inn a lot for this reason. Not like the normal people that enjoyed it to enjoy beauty, but he liked it because it hid his own beauty. He took notice of a small dragon asking one for her healing powers. She was quite radiant herself and had a very distinct scent. [i][color=ee0f0f]I should know better. We all have special features. Freaking Seraphims.[/color][/i] Although cursing them, he was really just cursing his own heritage, and his own misfortune. He arrived at the bar and caught the innkeepers attention and brought him close. [b][color=ee0f0f]"Hey, so what's going on today? Why all the secrecy? You wouldn't happen to know who the two that just went upstairs are do you?"[/color][/b] The Fotians seemed to be enveloped with the fight right now and Cara had found a suitable target. One of the men with the main two seemed less enthralled than the rest. He didn't seem to have as much Tyro blood as the rest and didn't share as deeply in their hot-headedness. A moment after Krutik left the table, she made her way to the man in the circle around the fight. She came up on his right side and leaned against him. [b][color=5e29e3]"Hey soldier. So what's going on here, and why are you all here in the first place?"[/color][/b] She looked back and forth between him and the fight, making it look like she was interested in both. She also kept most of her left side to him so that he would see more of her cute side, rather than her robot side.