[h1]The Next Day[/h1] In the Golem's Hand guild, Ky woke up, stretching a bit as he looked out the window of his room, feeling like the festival yesterday had gone, well enough. THe low point of the day, however, was when he used Ria's intrusion to mutter off a garbled excuse, released Allison's hand, and quickly fled the seen feeling quite embarrassed with himself. Definitely not one of his finest moments, to be sure, but hopefully it wouldn't comeback to bite him in the ass one day. Now that he was up, he went through his regular schedule, brushing his teeth, taking a quick, cold shower to wake himself up, than a slightly longer one to actually clean himself, before walking down to the guild hall proper, deciding to check on the requests for the day. On the notice board where a bunch of missions, from ones he wouldn't think of taking, they were so out of his league, to others that were so easy he could do them in his sleep. He wasn't in the mood for something super difficult today, but definitely wasn't looking for a walk in the park. He wanted something mildly challenging today, and a few missions seemed to qualify. One was a monster hunting mission that he was pretty sure Travis had expressed interest in yesterday, so he could join the hot head on that mission, though the monster looked like a real doozy of a beast. The next was a request asking for mages to take out a [url=http://www.goodwp.com/large/201203/21219.jpg]rogue robot[/url] some mage had created that had holed up in a cave system across the lake. It was apparently real strong and had deemed itself a protector of the lake and protesting the hunting of it's fish with lethal results. Another mission called for the rescue of a girl who'd been kidnapped into the forest by some local bandits, a few of them were rogue mages and thus considered highly dangerous, and the leader in the possession of some sort of magical artefact as well. The final mission that he found of interest was one including an old wizard requesting for a few young mages to come to his home and keep him company, as well as partake in a few experiments for him. While not the most exciting, this was obviously a man of means,a s the rewards listed for the job were quite high for the tasks given. [sub][sub][color=Gold]"So many choices . . . so little time . . ."[/color][/sub][/sub] In the Harpy's Wing Guild, these same quest were also present, as well as one asking for the robot's safe return rather than it's destruction and another detailing a mysterious sickness being present in some of the wildlife in the town's lake, causing them to mutate and attack the populace. The corruption had been traced to a nearby system of underwater caves, though what may be the cause is anybody's guess, as non-sent into the caves have ever returned to tell.