[i]"You'd better not make [/i]that[i] look bad at least, Lieutenant Mallory".[/i] Adam grinned to himself as he stepped out of the cell. [i]Yeah, great start Adam.[/i] The guard returned Adam's toggle to him as he passed, following his new CO to the squadron's quarters. His stomach growled the moment he smelled breakfast, not having ate anything more substantial since the shuttle ride to the port. How long has it been since he last ate? Twelve hours? Fourteen? Adam lost count while he was locked up. They didn't have a clock in there, which he suspect was the point. With a cup of coffee and a plate full of food in his hands, Adam took a seat next to the blue-furred Isorlai. Before he had a chance to make an introduction, Erien started her speech. Adam paid half attention to her as he blitz through his breakfast. "This is Lieutenant Mallory," Adam put down his utensils and sat up a little straighter, only to consider sinking back into his seat when she went on to describe his foolish decision to take an unconventional tour of the ship. He let out a short, breathless laugh and nodded to everyone. Looks like he's got more work ahead of him, but it's not like Adam to baulk at a challenge. He's certainly not going to start now. Adam listened intently to the mission briefing, trying to hide his relief that it was more or less a run of the mill escort mission. That should give him some extra time to test out and go over any reconfiguration required for his Saber. Once the briefing was done, he quickly cleaned up after himself and made his way down to the cargo bay. He jogged over to the vent where he stashed his duffle bag, relieved to find it's still there. Maybe security really thought he was a stowaway, didn't think he had much more on him other than his toggle. The rest was a blur. Adam rushed back to the quarters, picked the nearest empty room and stuffed his bag into one of the bottom drawers. After checking his toggle for the location of his flight gear, he ran down to retrieve them. He checked the time and relaxed slightly. [i]Still enough time to go over my Saber.[/i] [hr] Already suited up, Adam stood in front of his fighter. He can't help but smile at the sight. In some ways it felt like coming home. A Syreen stepped into Adam's view and saluted him, "Lieutenant, my name is Plex and I will be the chief engineer for your Saber's maintanence." Adam shook Plex's hand, "Nice to meet you." "Normally, we would have you go through the configuration and full preflight checks and diagnostics with us. But since we're short on time thanks to your...misadventure--" Adam grinned in spite of himself. Plex paused, "Is something funny?" "I'm never going to live that down now, am I?" Plex shrugged, "As I was saying, since we're short on time, we'll have to get through the essential configuration now and the preflight checks." Adam didn't waste time, he climbed up the ladder leading into the cockpit of his fighter and swung himself inside. The seat require very little adjustment, thanks to how closely Adam seem to fit the average fighter pilot DefCom has in service. Once his seat was configured to his liking, he gave a thumbs-up to the engineer and started down the preflight checklist. Fortunately for Adam, the check went by without an issue. A voice spoke over comms, "Wylde Fyre Six, this is Control. You are go for launch, stand by for launch orders, over." "This is Wylde Fyre Six, Control. Awaiting orders, over." [i]"Wylde Fyre lead to all craft. Stand by for launch, we are on the mission timeline, over!"[/i] "Roger, Wylde Fyre Lead. Wylde Fyre Six standing by, over."