[hider=Amos Breckenridge][b]Amos Breckenridge / Male / 35[/b] [center][img]http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/filmchat/files/2015/12/nativitystory-joseph.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] Naturally tan-skinned and black of hair, Amos is naturally defined by stark, sharp features. A healthy beard constantly holds his face for ease of maintenance rather than definition or style. His thick, black locks of hair have slowly grown longer; Amos simply pushes the worst offenders back and out of his face. His body build is naturally thinner than most, and the lack of strong physical activity in his life makes no improvements upon his leaner build. He is of average height, standing above most women but shorter than what most would consider to be a fighter’s height. His only truly defining features are his dark, expressive eyes and a long gash of charred skin across his back—that never fully healed. [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] Amos is naturally introverted, introspective, and dispassionate to a degree. His skill set and his build naturally set him up to be a follower; a position he’d happy oblige to fill, regardless of his own personal opinion. Amos, though quiet, enjoys small connections; a conversation over a meal, or a lively discussion between one or two others. People willing to listen will find Amos to be quite opinionated. His time listening to others fuels many thoughts and feelings that he’ll happily share with others if given the opportunity. He’ll develop close bonds to those who engage him verbally, perhaps too quickly. Amos has a respect for those who are master’s in their own field, which leads to a short patience when it comes to those who do not respect his own skills. Amos knows exactly what he’s good at and exactly what he’s not. [h3][b]Background[/b][/h3] Amos was raised in a small village, just outside of one of the many city-states that create the tapestry of the Hundred Realms. Perhaps it was this upbringing that continues to persuade him to keep himself humbly clothed or socially introverted, but regardless, the life he led at the time was one of calm, and of peace. He grew up a normal child, albeit sheltered, and enjoyed the fruits of a living cultivated from soil. It was here where his first love was born; that of the earth, and of the elements that remained: air, water, and fire. Amos apprenticed with the local alchemist, and soon learned far more than even his mentor in this field. The idea of the Predecessors and their advanced knowledge of the elements fueled the flame within Amos to continue on a route of study. Amos and his master would continue on experimenting with the elements, the things of the fields and of the elements within for many more years, until Amos eventually married. He and his new wife—a simple baker by the name of Adrianna, able to retire from the practice after wedlock—left his home, and traveled, living as a practicing Alchemist. Is was in these years that Adrianna taught Amos in the skill of cooking as well. Amos traveled and lived well within the boundaries of the Hundred Realms until the sudden loss of his wife to illness stopped him dead in his tracks. She died a quick, painful death, and even Amos’ abilities in alchemy, and medicine could not save her. She bore him no children. He spent the next year in mourning, returning home to his father’s keep and working for him once more. After her face had faded away in his mind, Amos no longer felt the call to sit and wait, but rather to continue on. To become more learned, more skilled in his craft, and a better person. He enjoyed the finer things of the world for a time, engaging in wines and socializing with the wealthy in order to access their own libraries, making sure to repay them with salves and, for those more demanding, even occasional poisons. Near a decade past, and now the desire to knowledge and mastery has driven Amos to a need finance his academic endeavors. Wanting to finally settle down, Amos has taken the call to adventure in hopes of financing a permanent space of academia and alchemy, to teach others and to perhaps find solace in the world. [h3][b]Motivation[/b][/h3] Amos, along with a desire to see what lies beyond the Hundred Realms, needs the money and promised treasures to finally give himself a chance to settle down, and create a center in one of the more populous cities in the Realms for those willing to learn. It’s a project in the works for years, and driven by the early death of his wife Adrianna. Amos ultimately wants the solace and closure in knowing he spent his best days building something that helped others, and possibly prevent a fellow man from loosing his own loved ones. [b]Equipment[/b] While unable to bring the total extent of his collection of tools, kits, and chemicals with him, Amos has prepared a bag full of pre-made salves, herbs, spices, and other conceptions he deemed necessary, along with the tools to create more if need be. He has also brought in his bag a few medical and cooking tools that could be needed, as well as a fighting knife, for protection. He also walks with a staff, simple and wooden, but possibly useful in combat if need be. [h3][b]Traits[/b][/h3] [color=green]+1[/color] [b]Basic Weapons[/b] [color=green]+1[/color] [b]Thick-Skinned[/b] [color=green]+3[/color] [b]Alchemy[/b] [color=green]+2[/color] [b]Medic[/b] [color=green]+1[/color] [b]Chef[/b] [color=red]-1[/color] [b]Weak [/b] [/center] [/hider] EDIT: Fixed the hider.