Mylori Firehammer let out a booming laugh as his Great Axe cut deep into the muscled sinews in the foul creatures shoulder. As the monster turned to try and lash out at the dwarf, he ducked beneath it's clawing talons and with almost a flourish, brought his weapons blade down on the creatures neck, silencing it's screeching as it's severed head fell to the ground, quickly followed by it's lifeless body. As he looked across the battlefield, the few remaining creatures desperately attempting to lift themselves into the air but being silenced one after the other. Feeling a sudden chill in the air, Mylori's smile faded, and he turned to face the Orc Warlock. [b]"Your machines served well today Dwarf"[/b] Turning to look across the churned ground, where the metal warriors of two Dwarven nations now stood perfectly still, awaiting their next orders, Mylori allowed himself a smile. [b]"And your undead died tactically"[/b] If there was any kind of emotion behind the still face of Warlock Thro'Gan, it did not show. Instead, the Orc simply turned it's inky black gaze out across the sea. [b]"They will come again, stronger. They will keep coming unless we can stem the tide"[/b] Wiping the ichor from the blade of his Great Axe, Mylori too turned his gaze out across the waters. [b]"Let them come, I've barely whet my appetite for monster-hunting"[/b] [hr] Tavirin Blackstone spat on the ground as he cut down the last of the foul gibbering creatures that had crawled out from the ground itself to fall upon the invading Broken Empire. But they were met with the fell magics of Warlocks and the steel of Dwarf and Machine alike, and none could stand before them. The ground itself was blackened and warped, alien to look upon, but they had already reclaimed a string of settlements, little more than rudimentary hill forts, but places from which to orchestrate a defense, and to light the forges. At Tavirin's shoulder, Warlock Grugar'Tar was silent, flanked as ever by the Lichguard, their wicked blades coated in the inky blood of the creatures of Darkness. The two great figures, both regarded as the leader of their race, even among the council, did not need to speak to understand one another. The Broken Empire, establishing a more serious battleline. With each province taken, new warriors could be raised to bring the fight to the Darkness, and even now Tavirin hoped that news of their victory was lighting the fires of hope in other nations. Bripiak was already mustering for war, preparing to push back the Shadow where they could. In almost a hushed whisper, Grugar'Tar spoke. [b]"I can feel him. Dagar’Thuun. His power is unimaginable, but I can feel him. He's out there. If we can reach him, we could end this"[/b] Tavirin turned to the Orc, face weary but stubborn, [b]"I'll cut the bastards head off myself for what he's done."[/b] [u][b]Garrison[/b][/u] [hider][b]Province 61 [/b] -3 Heavy Infantry Units -15 War-Magi Units [b]Province 56[/b][i](Orngat)[/i] -12 Mechanical Warriors Units -14 War-Magi Units [b]Province 54[/b][i](Orngat)[/i] -10 Mechanical Warriors Units -21 War-Magi [b]Province 51[/b] -10 Mechanical Warriors Units -13 War-Magi [b]Province 50[/b] -6 Heavy Infantry Units -5 War-Magi -24 Fast Dirigibles [b]Province 49[/b] -5 War-Magi [b]Province 48[/b] -2 War-Magi [b]Province 47[/b] -5 Artillery Units -10 Mechanical Warriors Units -4 Mechanical Walkers Units -24 War-Magi -40 Fast Dirigibles [b]Province 46[/b] -1 War-Magi [b]Province 41[/b] [b]Province 35[/b] -1 Heavy Infantry Units -8 Artillery -12 Mechanical Warriors Units -10 Mechanical Walkers Units -20 War-Magi[/hider] [u][b]Actions[/b][/u] [hider][b]5 Mechanical Warriors Units, 3 Mechanical Walkers Units and 11 War-Magi from 35 to 36[/b] [b]4 Artillery Units, 5 Mechanical Warriors Units, 2 Mechanical Walkers Units and 13 War-Magi from 41 to 36[/b][/hider] [u][b] Recruitment[/b][/u] [hider][b]Province 61[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 51[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 50[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 49[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 48[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 47 [/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 46[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 41[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [b]Province 35[/b] -1 War-Magi Units -1 Fast Dirigible [/hider] [u][b]Research[/b][/u] [i]Conjure Familiars (Turn 2)[/i]