[quote] At the moment, I'm thinking Date. How do we date things? Should I go and find a Calendar generator, or allow for different civs to use their own calendars? Maybe the middle ground - provide a universal calendar, but allow for a civ to make their own. Then again, maybe its something that should be developed at a later date? And we should just rely on the four seasons for now? [/quote] You know... It could be a pointless little "mini-game," but you could say that whoever "wins" the first era (makes the biggest gains in the actual first era) - whether that be diplomatically or culturally or militarily - gets to decide what becomes the most commonly used dating system at that point, much like how A.D. and B.C. are the most common ones used now and they revolve around the birth of Jesus. Until then, I'd just say "one hundred years from the dawn of civilization" or something. I'm feeling silly for suggesting that, but little things like that could be much cooler "rewards" for "winning" than anything else. [quote]Having been at it hard for 2 hours, I think I need to step away for a bit. [/quote] TAKE A BREAK.