[@kingkonrad]I would hardly call this a stalingrad, mostly cause such a battle is all but impossible in the middle ages. Without rifles, smgs, machineguns and VASTLY out numbering the Germans stalingrad wouldn't have happend... if the Crakehall's have already taken a few gates and are assaulting the walls odds are the will win, street to street is much harder when everyone is fighting in melee. It's hard to cause massive casualties and take none of your own or at least very few, to do so you have to get into close combat... I'm sorry but medieval history shows that once the numerically superior force is on the walls and in the streets... the fight is basically decided. Kevans 100 men are irrelevant because the reachmen will simply be unable to inflict the casualties needed to drive the Crakehall's back without losing to many of their own... it's simply the way medieval warfare is, melee combat in general. Mix that with westerlands forged heavy armor and weapons and the fact they are basically a standing army and... I'm sorry if I sound like vhagar but... kings landing is lost if the Crakehall forces have started forcing their way in