I'm sure Makoto would be fine with anyone on her team. [hider=Makoto] [img]http://rs145.pbsrc.com/albums/r233/very_confused_girl/anime%20girls/267.jpg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip[/img] [color=F0E68C][h3][b]"Your decision, your outcome."[/b][/h3][/color][hr][hr] [color=F0E68C][b]Name:[/b][/color] Makoto Kanemaru [color=F0E68C][b]Title:[/b][/color] Lantern [color=F0E68C][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=F0E68C][b]Race:[/b][/color] A measly little human [color=F0E68C][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=F0E68C][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'9 [color=F0E68C][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 143 lbs [color=F0E68C][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Makoto is a tall girl of Japanese descent with a slender and athletic build. Her most prominent features are her unusual golden eyes and thick, waist length black hair. Her pale skin, towering height and ghostly appearance seem to intimidate most people, and her looks have even been compared to the famous Yuki-onna on multiple occasions. For personal reasons, Makoto quotes that she hates the colour of her eyes. Makoto isn't a very colourful person when it comes to clothing. She's mostly seen in a grey leather jacket and combat boots, and a black turtleneck top and leggings. She also wears a special belt to hold her sword by her side and black fingerless gloves to increase the grip she has on her sword. During battle, Makoto will most likely tie her hair up into a single high ponytail. [color=F0E68C][b]Personality:[/b] [/color] People say appearances can be deceiving – Makoto is one of those people who fit into that category perfectly. Although, not in the 'negative' sense others think of it to be. Unlike what her ghastly appearance says, Makoto is actually a very talkative person, and enjoys socialising with others. However, some may see her as quite rude and harsh, as she is very honest and true to her own feelings and opinions. Because of this she has very few close friends, though Makoto is usually the one people will we seek for advice. She's also very observant and perceptive, and is a good listener. Makoto is quite strong minded and hard to knock down, and will always do what she thinks is best. If she thinks its fair, she'll go with it. She hates people forcing others to do things when they don't want to, as she believes people should be able to make decisions for themselves rather than having others decide their futures for them. She strongly disagrees with things such as and related to 'fate', again relating to her opinion how people decide their own futures. This also means she dislikes fortune telling, star signs etc. [color=F0E68C][b]Short Bio:[/b] [/color] [hider=Because my bios make me cringe] Golden eyes. That was the first thing her mother ever acknowledged about her. Not the fact that she was now truly alive and breathing; she had golden eyes. Once the newborn Makoto had first opened them, her mother was delighted. Delighted in the wrong way. She knew her daughter was going to succeed. She knew she was destined for greatness from the very start. That must be a good thing then, right? Not necessarily. As Makoto started to grow, her mother loved and cared for her, teaching her many valuable things and filling her with her own ideals, hoping her daughter would become a 'strong woman' like herself. 'Fight for the city and you will be rewarded with praise.' As a young child, Makoto went on accordingly with her mother's teachings, and was beginning to be taught how to wield a sword. Makoto's undying loyalty towards her mother seemed unbreakable, and it looked like she wasn't ever going to leave the woman's side. However, all things changed when her little sister Michiko was born. Makoto, now six years of age, was delighted to learn of Michiko's birth. But the mother? She was not at all pleased. Instead of the expected golden, Michiko's eyes were a dull brown. She knew her daughter wasn't going to succeed. She knew she was destined for nothing from the very start. That was a very bad thing. [i]Very bad.[/i] As she had predicted, Michiko wasn't anything special. She was useless at studies and iaijutsu, and was beaten down countless times for it. Makoto, horrified by this inhumane visage, did her best to protect Michiko. Unlike her little sister, Makoto was always loved and cared for, so why not Michiko as well? They had the same blood rushing through their veins, so why was it Michiko that always got hell and not Makoto? It just wasn't fair in her eyes. So, as soon as she discovered the real reason behind this discrimination, Makoto became engulfed by rage. It was when Makoto was around thirteen when she decided to face her mother head on. She thought it was absolutely ridiculous that her little sister was being treated differently because of the colour of her eyes. It even got so extreme that Makoto even threatened to gouge her own eyes out, until her father stepped into the scene to break the two up. Enough was enough, and so, a few weeks later Makoto moved out along with Michiko and her father. There was no way she would tolerate her mother's cruel actions any longer. [/hider] [color=F0E68C][b]Manifestation:[/b][/color] Sacred Touch - Makoto's manifestation is something called [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Ductility_Manipulation]'Ductility Manipulation'[/url]; the ability to manipulate the toughness, softness and resilience of any solid, nonliving material. This allows her to make her sheathed sword strong enough to dent steel, sharp enough to slice through brick or flexible enough to bend at a 90° angle. Many Kanemaru Chasers in the past preferred to 'toughen' their swords with this ability to create devastating blows. This ability does have its flaws, though. First of all, this ability cannot affect gas, liquids or living things, such as trees or water. Secondly, this ability takes about a minute to charge up, so in that time the user must wait to be able to use it. Thirdly, only materials in a one metre radius can be affected by Sacred Touch, which is why it is recommended to incorporate it with fighting styles that use weapons. Finally, the user must have their hands on the material to be able to use Sacred Touch. If they are to let go or lose their grip, then the manifestation will lose its effects (this is also why Sacred Touch doesn't go well with archers). Makoto is also only able to manipulate one property at a time, so it is impossible for her to strengthen and sharpen her sword at the same time. One of the most notable flaws to this manifestation is its unusual 'time limit'. A person may only use Sacred Touch for as long as ten minutes each day. If Makoto were to use Sacred Touch for four minutes, then she is only able to use it for six more minutes if she plans on fighting with it later on. If she were to use it for ten minutes straight then she will not be able to use it for another five hours. After five hours, any minutes that have been used up will be replenished. [color=F0E68C][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbwOU1zQlAYFHVL2-BLuHUSHCX6n6j09DpJnzZZZ776Y9j7AtW][i]Kanemaru[/i][/url] – A shinken sword that has been passed down the Kanemaru line for many years. Its most striking feature is its golden blade, which, although often mistaken to be forged out of gold, is actually a special metal that gives off a very bright golden light when [i]Zetsu[/i] is channelled through it. This light can be used to distract opponents by revealing only a 1/3 of the blade from its sheath and flashing it in the enemy's eyes. Weirdly enough, those that have used this sword rarely fight with it unsheathed. They instead use the sword sheathed to deal fatal internal damage as well as outward, using the manifestation Sacred Touch that is usually passed down to make for some frightening blows. According to Makoto's mother, no youkai has ever survived to see the entire blade of this sword. [color=F0E68C][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Nothing special, maybe just a shoulder bag to carry money, food and small essentials. [color=F0E68C][b]Other:[/b][/color] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MSr4Nv3kW6s]Lantern[/url] "I will win this fight; it's the truth." [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m_5zUZ9S5pk]Glare[/url] "So… Finally gonna get serious now, huh?" [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ruvuTnzLQoM]Crack[/url] "Bastard..." [/hider]