[center][URL=http://s33.photobucket.com/user/pompom91/media/JulieScott_zpsab7ca6b7.png.html][IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/JulieScott_zpsab7ca6b7.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Julie shivered as she walked down the street towards the coffee shop she worked at “The Mug” which was located a couple of blocks away from campus, it was the perfect place for her to earn some extra cash because it was mostly visited by business men and people trying to write their own screenplays. Most of the Caelbury students obviously prefer the Starbucks closer to campus then this stuffy little place. Julie loved it though, she thought it had charm and they let her study during the slower hours. Julie had decided to arrive a week early to settle in and also get a few extra shifts in before school started, this morning she had to open and she was not that happy about it. She stood in front of the door to the coffee shop for a minute to inspect the reflection that stared back at her. Puffy eyes, tousled hair and a bitter look on her face, she sighed and fished the keys up from her bag and unlocked the door and stepped inside. Julie took a deep breath and took in the most intoxicating smell she knew, coffee! That was one other advantage of working here, free coffee to feed her addiction, and also remedy her late night study hangovers, she had stayed up until 3am trying to grasp the Japanese alphabet hiragana. Julie made herself a double shot espresso and then she got to work with all the opening preparation, when the she checked her watch and saw that it was 8 she went and turned the sign at the door that indicated that they now where open. At once the regular customers started to file in in a steady stream and Julie didn’t even have time to feel tired. The morning went by in a blur and finally the queue was gone and people started to leave. Julie started to clean up and getting ready to leave. Just as she had crouched down to put out the powdered doughnuts a guest said [i]“Thank you…”[/i] as he left and not thinking about the tray she had in her lap Julie stood up to say thank you back resulting in her getting all the doughnuts all over her. [i]“Oh Jules, maybe it’s time for you to end your shift.”[/i] It was Julies boss Philip peering down at her from behind the counter with a grin on his face. [i]“Yes… yes it is Philip!”[/i] Julie said with a sigh as she stood up trying to brush the powdered sugar of her skirt. [i]“Yeah, but thank you for opening for me, I owe you one!”[/i] Philip chuckled and walked behind the counter. [i]“Oh Philip, you know I’d do anything for you.”[/i] Julie smiled and patted his cheek and then left for the back room to clean herself off before heading back to Caelbury. The walk from “The Mug” to campus only takes 25 minutes and it had warmed up since this morning so the walk was pretty pleasant and put Julie in a good mood. She kept brushing her skirt to get of the last of the powdered sugar as she walked. Soon Caelbury Academy came in to view in all its glory, Julie strode over the little courtyard and went in to the main building. She waved and smile at the secretary as she passed her to get to the stairs that led up to the second floor. Where the administrating offices where and also where the teacher’s lounge was located. She had to turn in an activities list for IntCom to the student council. As she turned the corner in to the hallway that led to the teacher’s lounge and the offices she was met by the tall and looming figure of Dr. Zimmerman carrying a bowl of water. [i]“Oh! Hello there Dr. Zimmerman.”[/i] Julie said as she passed him, she turned around and added [i]“Say hello to Oedipus for me!”[/i] she smiled as she continued down the hallway. [b]Where was the student council mailbox located now again?[/b] Julie wondered as she scanned the room. To her surprise she saw that she would not need it, because there she was the president Acacia Hawthorne and Vice Principal Hawthorne. Julie smiled as she walked over still trying to brush the last of the powdered sugar of her skirt. [i]“Hi Acacia, how was your summer?”[/i] Julie said as she came to a stop in front of them[i] “Hello Mr. Hawthorne.”[/i] She said with a nod of her head, she never really knew how to act in front of Vice Principal Hawthorne, since he was an authority figure but still so relaxed and… young. [i]“I have this list of IntCom activities that we need to get approved by the student council, and I thought that I could give it to you, go straight to the source you know! Eh, not that you are the entire council, but I mean… you know.”[/i] Julie could feel herself getting flustered and started to dig around in her bag after the list. When she finally found it she handed it to Acacia and smiled nervously [i]“Well thank you, I guess I’ll see you at the picnic later.”[/i] Before she turned around she bent her knees and curtsied, as she sped down the hall she mentally beat herself up [i][b]DID YOU JUST CURTSIE?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?![/b][/i] She yelled at herself internally all the way over to the dorm building. As Julie entered the building she spotted Catherine Sinclair, which she knew from before but Julie also knew that they were assigned as roommates for this year. [b]Okay Julie, do not I repeat do [i]NOT[/i] say something stupid![/b] She though as she walked over to the sofa [i]“Hi Catharine, you’re my roommate!”[/i] Julie blurted not really knowing what to say which earned her another mental slap from herself.