[@MonsieurShade][@Gravislayer] [b]Aright so time to add the dice rolling and see how this works. Dice only affects the outcome of jobs being whether we succeed or not, or get good loot or nothing at all, getting to the point and everything in between is up to us so long as it stays with that outcome. Only reason why I'm doing this is so we mix it up. Each member on the job earns a stat point increasing our chance for a better outcome.[/b] Oh shit we got a 23, thats the best roll we can get. No monster detects us unless we want them to, and each person gets a rare item if they choose to forage. No one gets injured...yet. --------------------- Expecting a strong grip was one thing yet Reema found herself dragged across the table as though a Ludroth had thought her a toy, breath taken from her for only a moment she ended up giving a deep rumbled bit of laughter, tossing her head causing her mane to swish about her form. [color=92278f]"I will indeed enjoy working with you."[/color] [h3]Next day, guild front[/h3] Reema awake to the same smell of sea breeze, dressed in a pair of leather pants and a loose shirt she began to strap on her steel plated Armour, the cries of her blades waking her even more as she strapped them to the back of her waist, her mane tied snugly to her skull using a leather band. Strapping a few pouches to her waist she began to count everything, making sure nothing was amiss before she headed out to the morning air. The town held layer of fog, wispy smoke obscuring one's view. If things were like this in the woods she would have to take note of when and where for future hunts. "Hey! Miss Huntress!" Looking over her shoulder, arms crossed Reema raised a brow as one of the residents came to greet her. "Ever been to Moga woods?" Shaking her head Reema began to grow interest at the mention of her and her team mates destination. [color=92278f]"No, me and the others were scouting for that vary reason actually."[/color] A smile on his features he handed her a pascal bound in leather, untying the string she was surprised to find a map lay in her hands, one of detailed features and in grand condition. [color=92278f]"Oh no, I can't take this, it must have taken you years to perfect it." [/color]Yet all he done was shake his head, "I didn't the hunter before you three did. Told us you guys might be needing it." Disbelief in her mind she looked back to the map, this was going to save her life one day she could feel it.[color=92278f] "Thank you, I truly don't know what else to say."[/color] "So long as you three keep this village running with the rest of us than you don't have to say a thing." Left alone once more Reema found excitement burning in her belly. What were they going to find? The male told her about a camp that was made just for them on longer hunts, she couldn't wait, already she was looking back at the guild, the misty air that clung to her skin not bothering her in the least due to her mountain home. All she wanted was to go, and to go now.