[hr][hr][center][color=0076a3][h2]STEIN KALFOX[/h2][/color] [sub][i][b]“Greed is so destructive. It destroys everything.”[/b][/i] E A R T H A K I T T[/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [center][b]SIMULATION ROOM - NEW ANCHORAGE[/b][/center] It had been only seven days since Sophia decided to deject herself from New Anchorage. The events around New Anchorage had been… aggravating to Stein to say the least. Not only did their irate commanding officer decide to jump ship, the program had nearly collapsed into nothing after little than one mission with the group. It was a hard reality, but independent factions had to deal with this [i]all the time[/i]— she knew that quite well considering during her time at Volkov she had read the reports and looked over the facts. Had Michael Graham not been hired in Sophia’s absence she most certainly would’ve spoken to the elders about taking lead; she certainly had the field experience compared to anybody else New Anchorage had even despite her lack of experience in other areas needed. But Graham had seemingly come out of nowhere when the opportunity opened and now he had restructured the operation as best he could in the time he had. But something smelled wrong… as it did when Sophia lied to her about the statistics of the previous mission she had inquired about— she just couldn’t place what was wrong with newly appointed Commander Graham. But she knew [i]something[/i] was up. Time would tell what it would be, perhaps. A heavy breath left her lips as the doors to the simulation room opened, the female pilot and soldier walking forward— her hair cut short, dangling right below her neck unlike the long strands she had when she had entered the service of New Anchorage. “You must be Stein Kalfox.” Stein nodded as she looked to notice one of the pods, next to the one Elizabeth Jackspar had chosen. Seemed good enough. [color=0076a3]“I’ll take Pod A02.”[/color] Mandated simulation was a familiar feeling that reminded her of home back in Magadan. Her last simulation in New Anchorage had been with Jan Van Gent and it was particularly brief. This was with what remained of the squadron. She went through the typical pre-setup of simulation as the machine soon began to whir back to life. Her brows narrowed as she prepared to focus on the simulation that had been prepared, eager to get back in the sense of things. [color=0076a3]“Little Dragon is clear.”[/color]