[color=Goldenrod][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/05296f615f6eeae19066a51804fdf671/tumblr_inline_ngagz71wBd1so10o6.gif[/img] [h1]Astrea Nioré[/h1] [h2]Bar and Inn ~ Sunfire ~ Vrondi[/h2][/center] [i]”My lady? Oh I’m not... Well I mean to say Eden’s...”[/i] Unable to help the slightly pained wince that crossed over her features as she heard the both sickening though ever unmistakable crunching of bones snapping, Astrea quickly turned her head down and to the side, her eyes fluttering to a close and her shoulders hunching over as she tried to rid her mind of the horrible sound- what was the point of fighting..? Shattering bones, striking down lives, tearing families apart... all fighting ever did was bring heartache and sorrow to all those involved, and for what..? Glory on the battlefield- a name to be remembered by all as time continued to pass them by. How many lost would it take for them to realize that there was a better way... [i]”Just call me Eve, please, you don’t need to be so formal to me, although I can see why you thought I was someone important because of Eden but... If I could get your name Miss?”[/i] Taking another moment to completely push all thought of the broken and shattered bones that would be causing pain to shoot through the affected limb, Astrea slowly began to open her eyes once more, allowing her attention to instead focus upon the dragon speaking with her rather than on the brawl that was going on before them, her head nodding softly up and down in understanding to her request as she once again turned herself back around to face the bar top, her hand reaching out to take up her drink before finally answering the question that had been asked of her in the first place, “Apologies... it is not very often that I am able to both meet and converse with someone as kind and considerate as you, Eve. Please forgive my rudeness; my name is Astrea Nioré- it is a pleasure to meet you.” Catching the sound of Eden’s voice once more filling the bar behind her, Astrea turned her head back around, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she watched the scene from over her shoulder, her long dark locks brushing lightly back and forth over her back as she, like the rest of the spectators, watched on in silence- she’d heard many things about him... about the royal stood making light of the rather serious situation that he had so happily walked right into with what looked like open arms. Eden was a womanizer, a trouble maker- a man she had been warned about by her master; though now that he was in front of her, defending the honor of a woman he barely knew, she had to wonder if the rumored bad-boy of the royal family didn’t have more to him than just that. “Your friend... he is as handsome they say.” Once more turning back to the bar, Astrea took pause to lift her glass up to her lips, taking a moment to let some of the liquid within fall into her mouth and down her throat before she returned it back to the counter, a small smile playing over her lips for a brief part of a second before she turned her gaze back to the small dragon keeping her company, her eyes taking in the beautiful red scales that covered Eve’s lithe figure before she once again spoke, a slightly apologetic look crossing over her features as she couldn’t help but to speak her mind and ask what it was she wished, “..but truly; is always this cocky and arrogant in his skill..?” [/color]