[b]Outside Metropolis City Limits...[/b] The alien presenting himself as Maxus-El touched down shocking a good many of those in the area. Military and metahuman alike saw the resemblance to the Man of Steel in the boy's features. Batman fortunately knew of the child's mother, Maxima, who was often an enemy of Superman's as often as a friend. For several months she served in one of the incarnations of the Justice League under the leadership of Captain Atom. Batman heard Bluebird's reaction to the alien and was glad that some of the team was on guard. The sword of the knight was also drawn. "I am noting indications of elevated stress, unless you Terrans always look like this?" he commented, looking around at the members of the League and Young Justice. "Stand down, team." Batman said sternly, then addressing the alien youth, "I'm glad that you made it planet side, Maxus. Your mother reached out to us in one of our darkest hours. Your biological father has been compromised by Braniac." Just then, Batman felt something in the air. He hadn't felt something like this since his last adventure with the undead hero Boston Brande, aka Deadman. Something supernatural, Raven would surely sense it if she were awake. Some members of the team weren't as in the moment and preoccupied. Light seemingly disappeared to 'check on civilians.' Starfire was presumably still with the unconscious Raven. Somebody was lurking around outside of camp, and that somebody had pissed off the wrong vigilante. Batman pulled a total of three batarangs from the back of his belt and inside of his cape and hurled them in the direction of the supernatural force. "Show yourself! Surely you're not dumb enough to face the Justice League alone!" Batman yelled with a grizzly tone, to the shock and surprise of the others. "What the... hell?" Superbeast thought raising an eyebrow, "Did Batman get smacked in the face with fear toxin or is he just being overly paranoid?" The batarangs, of course, found their mark. They nicked Shay in the shoulders, and one of them even put a cut on his left cheek. The surprise of the blow threw him off balance and he lurched forward with all the grace of a plastered drunk, faceplanting in the grass. This, naturally, threw off his chameleon blending and now the Irish-American was visible to everyone. "Damn it, mate!" grunted Shay, his words a bit muffled by being face down. He stood himself up, the cut on his cheek already gone before he was even fully standing, "Jaysus, man, you trying to put my eye out or something?" [i]This wouldn't have happened if you just listened to me.[/i] "Oh don't you even start with me!" Shay blurted back to the demon. Out loud. So everyone could hear him. Of course, no one but Shay himself could hear the demon, so he probably looked like a damned fool talking to himself. "Look, I'm not your enemy!" he said to Batman, focusing on why he was here in the first place, "In fact I came to offer my help!" Batman's eyes glared at this would be ally. An alien possessing similar DNA to a Kryptonian as well as another seemingly supernatural hero both showed up the day before Independence Day. Nightwing and the other survivors of Metropolis had just been located hours earlier. This looked like the makings of another win for the good guys. It was only a short time before Batman and his team were to go back into Metropolis. ~KL~/Double