[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext140029515708796_zps0ubkbafo.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] As the Dreams came out of hyperspace, Joren and the others were completely unprepared for what they saw. Filling the viewing window in the cockpit was a massive, wedge shaped ship, as well as several smaller versions of the same vehicle above the planet Rodia. Although none of them had seen these ships in their lifetime, they were all too familiar with them. Every child in the galaxy knew the ships of the Imperial Navy. So much time hadn’t passed since the fall of both the Empire, and the First Order that the galaxy had forgotten them. “That’s not…” Kelsa started, the shock of what she saw leaving her speechless. “I think it is.” Joren said as his eyes remained locked on the hull of the massive star destroyer. “Joren, you might want to get to the blaster cannons, we’ve got company.” Nyna said as she watched a group of TIE fighters swarm towards them. “Right.” Joren said as he rushed to the rear of the ship and manned one of the blaster cannon turrets while Dono took to the other. “They’re coming in fast.” Dono said calmly as he took aim at the incoming fighters. “I can see that. Buckle in boys.” Nyna said as she took evasive action, diving down out of the line of fire and then pulling back up on the controls, bringing the Dreams back up away from the planet. Several TIE Fighters moved in, firing their cannons at the Dreams, their green laser fire either trailing just to the side of the ship or deflecting off of the shields. As Nyna tried to evade the starfighters, she saw that Kaylee’s ship was garnering the same level of attention as they were, and had several TIE Fighters on their tail as well. Nyna took quick action, bringing the Dreams around behind the TIE fighters trailing Kaylee’s ship, and firing several shots from the front mounted cannons, destroying two of the three TIE Fighters in pursuit of Kaylee. “Nice shot ori'vod!” Dono called to Nyna even as he and Joren fired at the TIE Fighters tailing them. “Thanks. But it’s not going to do us much good if we don’t get some backup soon. There’s too many of them!” Nyna said, her voice a mixture of fear and determination. Within moments, several more ships came out of hyperspace, five X-Wings led by a matte black X-Wing, and they were accompanied by several dozen other star fighters and a single capital ship. “I don’t believe it…” Joren’s voice trailed off as the X-Wings and the other fighters engaged the TIE fighters. “Now’s our chance, we’ve got to get to the Senatorial Palace.” Joren told Nyna, who relayed the message to Kaylee’s ship. And as the battle erupted above Rodia, The Dreams as well as the ship piloted by Kaylee and Rush descended to the planet’s surface.