I had a random useless train of thoughts, that I would randomly want to share to those that might want to read. [hider=Useless Train of Thoughts]So, the Broken Empire clearly showed me the use of meat shields. Those undead took the brunt for all our forces and ensured that we took absolutely no casualties in that battle. This makes me realize that I would really have use of meat shields of my own. Looking at Conscript Units, I can make 3000 of them in a province at once if I research that. [i]3000![/i] That's more than my entire army in numbers right now, and that's just a single province! But, that leads to an inevitable problem. Orngat would never do that to its citizens. Meat shields? No friggin' way. They could never do that. So, thinking of ways I could fix that... maybe I could say that all these conscript infantry is actually extremely low-budget mass-produced machines that is not even 1% of the quality of a true Mechanical Warrior, essentially just created to stand in the way of enemy forces? I'm not even sure I'd be allowed to say that, considering machines [i]isn't a race to chose from[/i], but even if we say I can, that leads to another little problem. Since I did not pick "Fearless" as a trait, because I really have no in-universe reason to, the people of Orngat AREN'T fearless, how would I explain why these machines feel fear? ... ... ... [hider=Why Machines Feel Fear (Theoretical Scenario)]Penokio raised his hand as if to strike the low-budget bare-bones mechanical construct, and it immediately flinched, its knees bending in terror, its arms coming up to shield its face. Wearing a thoroughly undisturbed expression, Penokio turned to the ever so brilliant young inventor, with a very good question on his mind. "Say, why does this robot feel fear?" Penokio asked. "Isn't it absolutely adorable?!" Jonathan smiled brightly. "I managed to program in basic emotions! I know I shouldn't have, but I had too much fun while I was designing their artificial intelligence! They're now going to fawn over cute things and recoil from scary things! They'll be the cutest little robots ever!" The young engineer smiled brightly as he looked like he was going to get all the praise from his teacher for this brilliant invention. "Sure, that's amazing and all..." Penokio noted, looking over and seeing two of the robots kneeling down and making odd noises cuddling with a cat that did not seem to appreciate their mechanical hands. "... But you DO realize these were invented to go to BATTLE, right?" "Yes! Of course! Is there a problem?" Jonathan asked, tilting his head a little, looking confused and happy at Penokio. "... How long would it take to recall all the robots and remove their fear?" Penokio asked, a kind of tired stare looking at the brilliant young engineer. "Oh, dear, seeing how they're already being mass-produced, and... Wait, maybe I could design a tower that could change all their programming at once... Let's see... About three seasons?" Jonathan calculated the time it would take to research the Fearless trait on his fingers, getting a very focused look as he did. "But why would we ever do that?" He asked, looking back at his teacher in confusion. "... No reason." Penokio said with an exhausted tone, as he left Jonathan smiling at his robot creations while he himself went out into the corridor and started hitting his head into the wall a few times. Jonathan's very difficult to deal with sometimes...[/hider] ... XD Edit: Wait... "You can only learn traits in categories that you already have a trait in." ... So, uh, I couldn't research conscript units even if I wanted because I have no traits among the "Conscript Military Unit" category? ... HAH![/hider]