[center][h1]Jaidyn Matthew Chase and Ray Belfour Anaheim California[/h1][/center] [color=gold]Ray naturally woke up early every day due to his boxing menu, today was no different. He had taken the day off in order to spend some time with his friend Jaidyn while him and his friends were there. Unfortunately it was so early that every one else was asleep. Since it would be a while before the others would wake up he got into his track suit to do some roadwork. His outfit was blue on the outside and purple on the inside, his two favorite colors. He left the house and began jogging down the street. An hour passed before he arrived back home, now it was time to shower and get ready for the day. He went to the bathroom and stripped down for a shower, before checking himself out in the cabinet mirror above the sink. After flexing his muscles a couple times, he hopped in the shower and washed himself. 30 minutes passed before he stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist after drying off some. He left the bathroom and started walking down the hallway to his room. As He was passing Jaidyns room He stopped and looked at the time on the clock in the living room. It was 8 in the morning. Time for Jaidyn to wake up. Ray quietly opened the door and tip toed in. Their lay Jaidyn, asleep on his stomach. With a big grin on his face, in one fluid motion Ray pulled the towel from around his waist and brought it down upon Jaidyns ass. The crack of the towel coming into contact was the most satisfying thing Ray had heard this morning.[/color] [color=sandybrown]The very moment the feeling of the wet towel hit up against the material of his boxers, he was ripped away from his dreams and forced into moving. His right arm quickly sliding back from where it was hidden under the pillow so that it were instead helping to hold him propped up on his elbows, his other hand flying back behind him causing a rush of golden sand to fly out before lightly floating down to leave a golden shine on everything that it touched, his still obviously sleep-ridden eyes taking their time to turn their attention around to glare tiredly over his shoulder at where Ray was standing naked at the end of the bed, “..don ya know better than ta wake a man in the middle of his slumber..?” Groaning at the smug and rather satisfied look upon Ray’s face, Jaidyn shook his head slightly, flecks of golden sand flying out from around him for a moment before disappearing from sight, his face scrunching up as he began to move his whole body for the first time since waking up that morning, twisting himself around until he was instead laying upon his back; his arm coming up to rest over his eyes and shield himself from the light that was streaming in through the window, “..seriously dude; the hell kinda time is this anyway..? Why are you up so early on your day off- it’s unnatural, Ray...”[/color] [color=gold]"I always wake up this early, whether I want to or not. It's my bio alarm clock. Go get ready for the day, while everyone else is at Disney we're going to go out and go shopping for a pool table and booze so we have something to do." Ray said as he wrapped his towel back around his waist. Then he left Jaidyn's room to start getting dressed for himself. He opened up his closet and looked around for a moment. He grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a baggy yellow muscle shirt. He threw his clothes on, then went to the kitchen to start cooking up some breakfast. Grabbing a classic 'kiss the cook' apron, he slipped it on and tied it in the back before he began cooking. This morning they would be having bacon eggs and toast, along with their choice of drink.[/color] [color=sandybrown]Groaning once more as Ray not only answered his question, but also left him once more alone in the room, Jaidyn took a few more moments to himself before finally forcing himself to leave the warmth of the bed by sitting himself up, his hand coming up to rub roughly at his face for a few moments before finally, he got to his feet, shuffling his way over to the chair where he had his bag full of clothes resting, his hands fumbling about on the inside before eventually he managed to find just what it was that he had been looking for in the first place- it was too damn early in the morning to be getting out of bed... but he was a guest in Ray’s house; a guest of his friend, and if said friend wanted to drag him from the comfort of the bed sheets, and repay his lost sleep with a nice cold beer, well then... so be it. Pulling the denim on over his legs as he made his way out into the hall, Jaidyn hunched his shoulders over ever so slightly as he worked to do up the button and zipper, the waistband instead resting loosely upon his hips as he made his way into the kitchen, a rather large yawn falling from his lips as he wandered closer to where he knew the fridge was, pulling the door open and taking out a bottle of water before turning back around, his free hand reaching out to whack Ray on the ass, and his body leaning in to press a kiss against his cheek as he passed him by; yet another tired groan falling from his lips as he took a seat on the other side of the counter. “So tell me... how’s it feel to be a housewife? Love the apron by the way- very manly and totally your color.”[/color] [color=gold]Ray was a little surprised at the ass slap and the kiss, but laughed it off. "Heh. I just figure you'll never have a housewife because of that ugly mug of yours. So it's my responsibility as host to give you a taste of what it would be like to have a housewife" Ray said with a fake tone of sympathy in his voice. He grabbed a couple plates from the cupboards and served up breakfast. He untied his apron and hung it up before sitting down at the dining room table to eat.[/color] [color=sandybrown]“Oi... now that’s not very nice, is it...” Unable to help the gentle chuckle that fell out through his lips as he made a show of twisting his body around on the stool, his head lolling about for a moment before he once more got to his feet, making his way over to the dining table before once more taking a seat, though this time beside Ray; his hands coming together to remove the lid of the bottle of water that he had taken from the fridge not moments before, being sure to lift it up and take a sizable drink before reaching out to put it down on the table beside the plate that he had been made. “Smells great; you did a beaut of a job darlin’.” Shooting a wink in his friends direction, Jaidyn turned his attention back down to the plate sitting in front of him, picking up the fork and playing with the bacon for only a brief moment before he sat forward and started to really hoe into it, mindful however to take enough time that he didn’t choke- death by bacon... what a way to go, “What time did the others leave..? Or didn’t you manage to catch them with your crazy sleeping schedule.”[/color] [color=gold]"I was out running when they left, there's never truly a day off if I'm to be champion of the world. I didn't see them leave" Ray said between bites of bacon, and eggs. It took him no time to eat his breakfast, all that running worked up a big appetite. Once he finished he rinsed of his fork and plate, and put it in the dishwasher. He opened in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and drank it on one go, then tossed it into the trash can across the kitchen. "Whenever you're ready we'll head out and find a pool table. They have em' down at Sears, we can have them deliver it. After that we'll go get some alcohol, what do you drink?" Ray asked as he leaned back on the counter and crossing his arms. Today was going to be nice, Ray hadn't had a day just for resting in a while.[/color] [color=sandybrown]“What the hell is a Sears..?” Furrowing his brows together in honest confusion as to what the hell they were even talking about anymore, Jaidyn shook his head lightly from side to side, not bothering to even hide the fact that he had no clue as to what his friend was on about as he polished off the rest of the breakfast, his hands reaching out to take a hold of the plate as he followed his lead, rinsing off the dirty plate and slipping it into the dishwasher before he stood up straight, once again turning back around to face him; an amused grin playing over his features. “Hahaha; more like what [i]don’t[/i] I drink.”[/color] [color=gold]When he was asked what a Sears is, Ray had to stop and think. He often forgets there's things down under that they don't have. "You know, I'm not even sure what the hell Sears is haha. They sell anything from clothes to chainsaws. Everything except food that is. You'll see when we get there." he said watching as he took care of his dishes. His face lot up when he heard his response. There's nothing like a man who will drink anything. "Heh I knew there was a reason we were friends. Alright let's go get ourselves a pool table and some alcohol then" he said as he straightened up and put his arms to his side. " the Sears is just a few blocks down the street so we'll just walk down there and enjoy the nice day" with that being said Ray made his way for the front door.[/color] [center][h1] Jack Harper Los Angeles California[/h1][/center] It took time to do what Jack was attempting. He knew their were evos out there who could copy powers, but he wasn't one of them. If he wanted any other abilities he had to modify his very own DNA to include it. He had only altered his DNA once, and it was the DNA of the blood they tested when evos started having to register. If he wanted to alter his DNA to gain her power, he would have to take the genome sequence of her DNA that have her that power. But first he had to find which genome sequence it was that gave her that ability. He was in the process of genome sequencing when he heard a knock at the door. His eyes went from closed to open and he looked at the door wondering who it could be. Either way he needed a somewhat safe place to keep the hair he had found. He looked around his slightly cluttered apartment for somewhere he could put the hair without losing it. There was an empty glass sitting on his coffee table between the tv and the couch. He had used the glass for water earlier that day, it was close enough. He dropped her hair into the glass then stood to answer the door. As He walked over to the door he couldn't help but think what would have happened if he were interupted while reconstructing his own DNA. He couldn't just leave it half finished, who knows what would happen then. Jack reached the door and looked out the peep hole, it was Elena and she looked slightly worried. Jack opened the door to greet her. "Hey Elena." he said before noticing she had her laptop with her this time. "Come on in, you look a little concerned. Is everything alright?" He asked taking a seat on the couch once more.