[b]Province 8[/b] The push by the Darkness into Province 8 had cost lives, but not as many as it might have. The full force of the dark horde had been denied by canyon that now spanned the length of the hostile boarder, a wound in the world that had been ripped open by great magics before the canyon itself had been pumped full of molten lava and magma in order to ensure that nothing would be able to travel between the provinces on foot. It had been an act of desperation but it had won the day and brought Duringis some much needed breathing room so that it could rest and retrain its forces so that it could defend itself properly. There was still the risk of the harpies flying over to do some raiding, so to that end some of the forces in the area would be remaining to aid in repelling air assaults for the time being, but most of the forces were being ordered onto the trains to go elsewhere. ....................................................... [b]Province 7[/b] Even as the new trains arrived, word had spread throughout the military forces stationed in the fortress province of Province 7 that something big was about to go down. They would be right one way or another. [hider=Current members of the Alliance of Northern Members] Tushienia Republic of Andinon Kingdom of Zakol Duringis Iparis Pankra Republic of Outcasts [/hider] [hider=Actions] Trade Lesser and Greater Earth Magic to the Broken Empire for Flamethrowers and Mechanical Walkers. Recruitment: Province 7: 1 x Heavy Infantry Province 10: 1 x Heavy Infantry Province 11: 1 x Heavy Infantry Province 12: 1 x Heavy Infantry Province 17: 1 x Heavy Infantry Dirigibles: Province 7: 1 x Interceptor Province 10: 1 x Interceptor Province 11: 1 x Interceptor Province 12: 1 x Interceptor Province 17: 1 x Interceptor Navy: Province 10: 1 x Ship Province 12: 1 x Ship Province 17: 1 x Transport Research: Air Artillery (Turn 3) [hider=Movement] Province 7 to Province 2: -11 War-Magi -46 Units of Magi -6 Cannons -10 Units Archers -18 Units of Heavy Infantry -6 Units of Arquebussers -3 Units of Light Infantry Air Force: 1 Interceptor Province 8 to Province 2: -6 War-Magi -15 Units of Magi -4 Cannons -5 Units of Archers -1 Unit of Arquebussers -10 Units of Heavy Infantry Province 10 to Province 8: -1 light infantry -1 Heavy Infantry -2 War-Magi Province 10 to Province 11: 1 Interceptor Province 11 to Province 8: -1 light infantry -1 Heavy Infantry -2 War-Magi Air Force: -1 Interceptor Province 12 to Province 8: -1 light infantry -1 Magi -2 War-Magi Province 12 to Province 11: -1 Interceptor Province 17 to Province 19: -2 War Magi -1 Light Infantry Province 17 to Province 12: -1 Interceptor [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Garrisons] Province 2: -17 War-Magi -61 Units of Magi -10 Cannons -15 Units Archers -28 Units of Heavy Infantry -7 Units of Arquebussers -3 Units of Light Infantry Air Force: 1 Interceptor Province 7: Air Force: Province 8: -3 Magi -2 Archers -3 light infantry -6 War-Magi -2 Heavy Infantry Air force: Province 10: Air Force: Province 11: Air Force: Province 12: Air Force: Province 17: Air Force: Province 19: -4 War-Magi -4 Cannons -4 heavy cavalry -3 Magi -1 light infantry [/hider]