[@Gravislayer][@MonsieurShade] Looking over to find Roland making his way to the misty veils Reema nodded her head in greeting, the map still in her hands the woman began to sit, laying out the treasure across her lap so she could study it. [color=92278f]"Well I'm waiting for you two, not right to leave a brother behind when none of us been in the hunting grounds."[/color] Mentioning him over she offered the male to take a look as well. [color=92278f]"Seems theres caves, woods and it breaks off into the ocean, they even remade the camp ground for us."[/color] Looking up in thought Reema rummaged through what she read the morning before, the leather book of hunt reports still laying in her room under the covers.[color=92278f] "Place is actually a great breeding ground to a large variety, flying, aquatic, reptilian..Gonna be a great place to start out since we won't have to travel to keep this place going."[/color] Honestly she couldn't wait, a bit more than half tempted to wake the sleeping giant in the guild, the woman found herself having to hold her tounge to keep from doing so. Instead she stood, heading to the centre,[color=92278f] "I'll be back, just gonna see if there’s in requests."[/color] Right next to the forge Reema found herself warmed to the core as she looked over the board, some residents too frightened to speak with the hunters yet left their own requests in neat hand writing. Taking them down since they were the only ones able to do the job she went back to her companion. [color=92278f]"Lets see here, a farm wants us to take care of some jaggi that were ruining their crops, woman needs some honey for a celebration, and there is a kid here wondering if he can have any bones we find."[/color]