I have made a application for the race I intend to play, I'll make a city sheet when time allows, by the end of the day no doubt. [hider=Kobolds!][h3][b]Species Sheet[/b][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QiJKBf6.jpg[/img] [b]Name of Species:[/b] Kobolds [b]Genetic Compatibility:[/b] It is possible that kobolds could mate with most other reptilian species, but this theory has yet to be tested. [b]Physical Characteristics of Males:[/b] Male kobolds, and kobolds in general for that matter, are a short reptilian race. They only stand at about two to two and a half feet in height, and weigh about thirty five to forty five pounds, a bit more than one might expect from their size but this is because of their short tails and bony frames. Kobolds possess sinewy, double jointed legs which are naturally bent and built for sudden speed. Kobolds have scales covering most of their bodies, which come in colors ranging from rusty brown to reddish black. They also have strong teeth and small claws on the long digits of their hands and feet. Kobold faces are akin to crocodile's, with a jaw that can open widely enough to contain a whole melon. Their eyes come in a range of colors from burnt ochre to red. A ridge of small, hornlike bone juts above each brow and sweeps backwards, the protrusions growing larger and more pronounced toward the rear of the skull. [b]Physical Characteristics of Females:[/b] Female kobolds are only marginally different from their male kin, being a bit shorter, lighter, and possessing different reproductive organs. [b]Life-Span:[/b] Kobolds grow very quickly, at the age of nine being mentally and physically able to aid their community in any capacity. They can live up to eighty years before their bodies begin to fail them. [b]Diet:[/b] Extreme Omnivore, kobolds being able to eat just about anything, bark, dirt, leather, though they prefer meats and common plants. [b]Racial Attributes:[/b] Kobolds, being reptiles, are cold blooded. Their bodies are capable of producing a bit of heat, however they are mostly reliant on the environment for warmth. The advantage of this is that Kobolds living in warm climates can go longer without eating, the reverse also being true, kobolds living in cold climates must eat more to survive. A major advantage of the race is their rate of reproduction. Female kobolds, after being fertilized, will produce a hard-shelled egg within sixty days, with a slight chance of producing two eggs. These eggs must incubate for sixty days, after which it hatches into a baby kobold that is capable of walking and feeding after only a few hours. Kobolds are physically weak compared to the larger races, but make up for it with speed and numbers. [b]Age:[/b] The exact age of the Kobold race is uncertain, it is thought that they have been around for nearly sixty thousand years but a exact date is unknown.[/hider]