[hider=Scale Home, home of the Kobolds!] [b][h3]City Sheet[/h3][/b] The map is the complete, full sized image. I have no idea why, just bear with it eh? [hider=map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jAGJytu.png[/img] [/hider] I have yet to find an image that is suiting. So how about I describe a good emblem instead? I think, a red dragon head from a top down angle, on a field of brown. Normally the dragon head is painted onto a piece of brown leather or light fur, since more advanced flag/banner creating techniques are not yet known nor cared for. [b]Name of City:[/b] Scale Home [b]Population:[/b] 240,000 [b]Males:[/b] 90,000 [b]Females:[/b] 150,000 [b]Half-Races:[/b] None [b] Known For:[/b] Scale Home was once a settlement of the Prometheans, an outpost really. The kobolds were living in the area, little more than animals, until the more advanced ape like beings yoked them and made the kobolds slaves. The lizard like people learned a lot from the bigger species, how to speak, write, record time. However the kobolds peaceful, if harsh, life under their masters would soon end. The Prometheans started dying, a virus that affected them and no other. The powerful beings sealed themselves away within the deeper chambers of the tunnel city they had the kobolds dig out, and had the kobolds removed by force out of the mountain. However it was then that a earthquake struck, bringing the mountain town to ruin, killing the Prometheans within. Without masters the kobolds had nothing, no reason to act. So they just started digging again, slowly and with great effort, the shiny digging picks that the Prometheans brought from far away were gone and so the kobolds had to made do with stone and poorly forged iron. But the kobold species was growing, and perhaps one day thy would rule the whole of the world. Kobolds are a simple people, their culture yet to take much form. They do however have a passion for recording history, the walls of their structures and tunnels covered in runes and images of the past. [b]Religion Overview:[/b] The kobolds have yet to form much of a faith, due to living under the Prometheans they are inclined to believe in a single god, but besides from that have yet to form much else. [b]Government Type:[/b] Matriarchy [b]Calendar:[/b] Promethean[/hider]