[hider=Character Sheet for Bullied Youth] [center][color=ec008c]Name:[/color] Josoto Seiko [color=ec008c]Title:[/color] The Princess [color=ec008c]Gender:[/color] Male [color=ec008c]Age:[/color] 12 [color=ec008c]Height:[/color] 125 cm [color=ec008c]Weight:[/color] 23 kg [color=ec008c]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fkw9x88.jpg[/img] Very petite and effeminate, unintimidating in both physical build and demeanor. [color=ec008c]Personality:[/color] Seiko is very timid, as a result of his utterly small stature and particularly feminine build. He's quite withdrawn, having been bullied all his life as a freak and a loser. In turn, these negative, introverted aspects cause him to bottle up his anger, only ever letting it out when he finds himself truly, utterly humiliated, offended, or upset. When he does let loose his rage and frustration, it's quite a sight, like the world's smallest volcano erupting. His shyness isn't just when dealing with other people, however. Even on his lonesome, he's typically indecisive, inarticulate, and generally a bit of a stammering child. Almost any amount of pressure being put on him is 'too much', and he's entirely unused to the attentions of others in a positive way. Were he to be complimented, genuinely complimented, he might even faint. [color=ec008c]Short Bio:[/color] As an 'orphan', raised by his uncle when his parents 'disappeared'... Seiko has never had friends. He was always to effeminate for boys to like him, and always to pathetic for girls to like him. He was, in every way, a loner. The only exception was his beloved uncle, who loved him unconditionally, showering him with affection. It was his uncle who encouraged his passions for music and art, and his uncle who cared for him when he came home, bruised and beaten by the local bullies. He didn't have a particularly happy life, all things considered, but it wasn't utterly terrible. He had a family member who loved him, and he had his passions, and that was enough. He still has those things, but recently, he's started longing for more, to be more... And one day, he was given the chance, when on his way home, he was accosted by the same local gang of bullies. As they closed in on him, he shut his eyes, moving his hands over his face to protect it from bruising... When he heard sounds of a struggle, and then screaming, and then people fleeing. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself surrounded by strange, amalgamated masses of crystal, their hand-appendages coated in the blood of his tormentors. And that was the day his life started getting better, for good. [color=ec008c]Powers:[/color] [i]Crystalline Constructs:[/i] He is capable of animating beings from nothingness, in the form of either humanoid or quadrupedal beasts that appear to be made of thick glass, or some variety of crystal. They have very limited autonomy and are capable of taking simple orders. [color=ec008c]Weapons:[/color] None, he's absolutely terrible in physical combat. [color=ec008c]Equipment:[/color] [i][url=http://www.myesoul.com/hot-sale-cotton-gothic-lolita-dress-lolita-clothes-9024-s201202b13293814002.jpg_bigsmall.jpg]Dress of the Ancients[/url][/i]: A very feminine, frilly lolita dress that Seiko received as a 'gift' from his uncle. When worn, it provides the wearer with invulnerability to brute-force harm. Suffocation is still a threat... Which for many is a problem, considering it is impossible to modify, and fitted for an eight-year-old girl. This is not, however, a problem for Seiko. How and why it came into his family's possession is an utter mystery to him. [color=ec008c]Other:[/color] Perfect for bullying.[/center] [/hider]