[@Prince of Seraphs] oaky well I might need to explain after all. I got REAL lazy and tired halfway through and didn't want to bore you guys, but I'll explain the situation. So father of Tobias from now on TF was a magic user, specialised in arcane enchantements. He held great pride in his work and was really good at it. However as a famous person comes many responsibilities. He lived in the castle, and he confronted the king many times. TF hated demons, and made a few devices that can find demonic activity. One such device revealed the king's dealing with the devil, and after asking the king about it, he learned of the horrible truth. However as expected this angered the demons who wanted to kill him. He ran away from the castle and settled down, hiding as a farmer. He knew the end would come, so he arranged the meeting with the demon (not clarified a vampire, but you can probably imagine a similar demon) who attacked his wife, and then ran away. He intentionally took his son into the forest, so his abilities can grow without being interrupted by the normal people. He sewed the suit for his son, and amde both the dagger and the bow for him. Years later a few bandits saw him entering his home with values, and then followed him into the forest once TF left. The rest is in the RP. Conculions. Yeah I was incredibly vauge there. I think if you find apalce with tons of enchanted items, you can safely assumee your father was an ecnhanter, and a magic user. And that he knew that you will be in danger. Naturally his son is not gifted with any abilities, insted is corrupted by evil. that would amke him weaker and weaker as he gets consumed by evil, or turn incredibly strong if exposed to pure evil. The suit would both stop him from turning into an evil monster, and stop the corruption. And what else I already wrote down. The bow is jsut a bow, that one is simple. The gemstone is the only thing special about the sword. It glows in the dark. The sword is just a sword. But it would be incredibly helpful for anyone who is about to face demons to have a purifying light right? I mean that dad should be in teh Doomsday Preppers for all he thought of. I hope this explains everything. i can nerf him if you want to, but I feel like this is a minimum if there are people who can hurl fireballs, and or wear full platemail. Or you know have a demon in them (*cough* cliché *cough*) Edit: Okay imma go sleep not sure if I'll be on in 12 hours or 120 hours.