"[b]So I'm the last to arrive, eh? Sorry for the wait my friends, found a rusted patch on my armor and couldn't bring myself to leave until it was gone![/b]" Jacque stated upon finally coming into view, adding with his statement a hearty laugh as he plodded towards Reema and Ronald in his armor. Though a coat of mist cover the land Jacque's armor still managed to give off a luminous shine whenever the stray beam of sunlight caught the right patch. The massive sword on his back rattled lightly with each step, it's massive tooth like spines creating an interesting keening/squawking sort of sound as they occasionally rubbed against armor, not unlike the vocalizations of the creatures both the weapon and armor were made from. The excitement was visible on Jacque's face as he came to a stop and placed his hands on his hips. It being his first time hunting with someone else gave Jacque high hopes for the day, both in terms of learning and coming across something good to bring back. As this was mean to be a simple scouting jaunt, his load out was light; a whetstone and two dried herbs that he'd brought from overseas. He lamented the fact that he was unaware that the felyne cook offered the first meal for free, as he would have simply waited until the morning came to purchase a steak rather than the fish he'd eaten yesterday. Such was the way things were, Jacque supposed. "[b]SO![/b]" He all but barked with glee, "[b]Are we ready to set off then?[/b]".