Ssarak Dyreackthanose - Catacombs --- From the thoughts Ssarak could hear behind him, Grey was not quite clear on the plan. The doppelganger was meant to bring the Naga behind the shapeshifter, which would guarantee that it would be the Naga’s first target. However, Grey seemed to think he would be fighting it. [color=f7941d][i]”Wait, the the Naga will flank the shapeshifter. My illusion will bring it…”[/i][/color] He began telepathically, but it was already too late. A quick glance back revealed Grey beheading the malice Naga, eliminating the possibility of using it as a distraction. Fortunately, Ssarak was not without options. There was significantly reduced pressure from the ridge hounds. Their numbers had been thinned considerably, and the ones remaining were not focusing on the Naga. As of the moment, the shapeshifter behind them was a more present threat. The Naga were trained warriors in a position to flank the remainder of the ridge hounds, so Ssarak was free to finally provide more direct aid to Grey. Ssarak sent a telepathic message to the Matriarch, in response to some thoughts he had picked up from her mind. [color=f7941d][i]”Of course, Matriarch. But first, this fight needs to end.”[/i][/color] At the same time as Ssarak brought his doppelganger to the front to distract any ridge hounds that might attack the Naga, Ssarak sprinted back towards their flank. Raising his shield, he slammed into the side of the shapeshifter, adding his own considerable strength, and perhaps more importantly, the momentum behind him to the struggle. With both he and Grey together, they would likely be able to overtake even a copy of Tyrael for the force they could produce. Although, Ssarak did not intend to stay at the shapeshifter’s front. Instead, he moved around behind and began to aggressively cut and thrust towards their opponent’s head, neck, and spine. He wanted to end it as quickly as possible, and if the shapeshifter turned to focus on him, he would go on the defensive and allow Grey to take advantage instead.