It was 3 PM, I got off my truck and took my supplies from the back. The trail up to my Tower shouldn't take much, and I was told at the office that there should be a walkie-talkie up in the tower. I checked that my Truck was locked, after all I am parking it here in the middle of nowhere. The sun sure is beautiful in here, I have been to quite a lot of forests, but the Shoshone is something else. I walked away from the parking space, which is really just a clearing and a welcoming sign with warnings of bears and fire precaution. I could see my tower behind a group of pine trees, I should be there by the sunset. The way to the tower was really beautiful, I came across a couple squirrels on the way, I hate squirrels but they gave me a rather positive feeling. I was drawing close to my tower, the birds were chipping, some flew away from the trees I was approaching. The sun is going down slowly, I decided to bring up my flashlight just in case and strapped it on my hat. I was told there are three other lookouts in this park, one of them is going to be my company for the summer, I was told as well that she was a woman. I haven't asked about her name, probably should have, or probably didn't, not really sure. I finally reached my tower, it stood distinctly tall among the trees, yet it never violated the scene. It just felt like it was a part of this place, well probably the wooden boards invoke that emotion after all. I walked up the stairs, they creaked and I kind of was in concern if should one of the boards crack under my feet. When I was at the top I took a pause before going in, the scene was remarkably breathtaking and I enjoyed it for a moment, and I spotted another lookout tower in the south.