Yes! I'm on a night shift tonight, but I'll get a post up tomorrow, thanks for waiting ya'll. Oh, and, [b]important information[/b]: [@BCTheEntity][@Bright_Ops][@The Whacko][@Noxious][@Lord Coake][@Keepvogel][@Hank] In terms of gaining mutations - which can be split into gifts, rewards and afflictions, depending on a number of things (that's why we're all here, right?) - If you've not already figured it out your character may gain blessings (or curses...) from the gods in any number of ways. You could do it by ritual, and feel free to be a creative as you like with these - specific rituals will get the attention of specific deities, of course - as well as acts undertaken by your character I.E. slaying an enemy champion, corrupting a population, desecrating an adversaries holy place and so forth. The attentions of the gods - except for Papa Nurgle, who loves to see everyone suffer! - are pretty hard to come by via every-day prayers and so on. They are fickle, dangerous and unfathomable to the mortal mind, and to grab something from them takes much. I'll be using a pseudo-Black Crusade system to record character's acts of devotion, then rolling on the mutation table(s). There will be possibilities to re-roll an undesirable mutation, to reverse a gifts from the gods, or even to put forward a desired mutation of your own; if this last one appeals to you, please feel free to discuss it with me here or via PM. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them. Oh, and P.S.S; It appears that [i]some of us[/i] may already have slight/minor gifts E.G. Salvius using his mind-whammy to talk to Father Wilbur, or Noxious (can never emember your character's name!) Being generally 'plaguey', or Atella being alluring but not [i]really[/i] too alluring to be supernatural/divinely gifted. If anyone's characters are of this ilk, then please make it known here so I can assess things a wee but easier on the mutations front. Muchos gracias.