[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/miB972F.png?1[/img][/center] [center][url=https://youtu.be/8AZj-gQUPMk][b]OP[/b][/url][/center] Finally, another school year was about to begin at [url=http://i.imgur.com/gj0kswo.jpg]Akatsuki Academy[/url], also known as Red Moon Academy. Students from all over the world approached its crimson bathed fields, crossing the massive rose garden that beckoned them into the inner walls of the castle like building. The aspiring students came from all walks of life, both human and not, but all of them had one thing in common, the desire to become hunters, protectors, those who swore to seek and destroy the darkness of the world, fighting in stead of those who cannot, in a single word... Chasers. And, with these thoughts in mind, a girl wearing a hooded red cloak crossed the threshold into the castle's atrium, where all students were expect to gather for the intro ceremony... [center] [h3][i][color=ed1c24]Seven Swords, Kurenai[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kBsEKOK.png[/img] [/center] Kurenai had travelled a long way until finally reaching Akatsuki Academy. If one were to say she walked ten thousand miles for real, they wouldn't be lying, for this was cose to the distance she travelled ever since she met Crowley, or better was saved by him. Ever since the Wandering Blacksmith, disappeared Kurenai has been searching for him and now she finally got a decent lead. [i]"An academy for warriors, huh? I wonder if most of them would survive even a month... no, a week, if they fought what Crowley and I had?"[/i] Kurenai thought as she looked around, casting a disinterested gaze over the greenhorns who thought that they would become heroes by coming to a places such as this when in truth the wold does not need heroes, what it needs, what it yearns for are slayers and this Kurenai knew all too well. Nevertheless, "no amount of training is ever too much. This place might as well teach me something, if even Crowley graduated from here." Kurenai said, before finding a free corner and reclining her back against it, while trying to stay away from the soon-to-be dead wannabe heroes. [center] [h3][i][color=ed1c24]Senior Instructor, Reiko Asamiya[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/M7gKe7x.png[/img] [/center] And, precisely that reason was what annoyed Senior Instructor Reiko Asamiya to no end as she gazed on the gathering students with her cold, analytic eyes from over the stairway that led inside the main hall. "Such a weak batch, I wonder what the Director has on her head? Most of these children wouldn't survive an encounter with Lesser Garou, breaking them now would be much more merciful." Reiko said to herself as she paced back and forth with her hand crossed behind her back, casting a look that made some of the present students feel like they were cockroaches ready to be trampled upon. "Even so, there seems to be diamonds hidden among the mud. Let's see what their shine will be after some polishing." Reiko took a small breath as more and more students gathered, the only sound coming from her direction was that of the water font that filled a pond right bellow the stairs where Reiko stood. Once the last of the students came in the gates were locked behind them by the staff outside, Reiko finally stopped in the middle of the stone platform and raised her voice, "Welcome to Akatsuki Academy, applicants. I'm the Senior Instructor Reiko Asamiya, however most of you might have heard of me by the moniker of Scarlet Sage. I'll be hadling your education along with the other teachers. Now that the introductions have been made, let me go straight to the matters at hand. I'm sure most of you think you are here to become heroes and heroines, to fight for justice and defend the weak. Thus, before anything more is said, I ask of you." "What is a Chaser?"