[hider=Morgan Bacan] [b]Name[/b]: Morgan Bacan [b]Title[/b]: Cream Puff [b]Race[/b]: Human. [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Height[/b]: 163.5 cm [b]Weight[/b]: 53.5 kg [hider=Appearance:][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmpq2qcB7V1qina4lo1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Never wanting to be a bother, Morgan always made as little of a mess as posible, and always cleaned up afterwords. Morgan never talked back, but always felt the need to give an opposing view in order to allow others to "open the mind and make a better informed decision," as mother always strived into her children. There was never any conflict with any given orders so long as it fell into Morgan's definitive set of morals, though stubbornness always got in the way otherwise. Having an open mind made Morgan quickly adaptable to most situations, though in turn never really allowed for any personal wants or desires. This, again, in turn, created a bit of a rift between conversation with those perceived with a responding conscious. Cats, plants, shadows, and the like all remain susceptible random conversational partners. [b]Short Bio[/b]: Following the birth of Morgan, the Bacans suffered a [i]great loss[/i] as their father quickly left town upon hearing news of his three newborns. Mother always spent her days working to earn what money she could while teaching everything she knew to her children. It wasn't unheard of for the Bacans to skip a day here or there to help out either around the house or earn a bit of extra money for the time. However mother was always strict to make sure that whatever lessons her children missed; they were to learn it past the point of which they had to for class. Morgan was lucky enough to gain admittance to the academy, for one reason that was never really understood, but hopefully, as being the eldest, this would allow in the future for the rest of the kids to join in turn. [b]Manifestation[/b]: Binary Talk-show Host: Morgan sees it as having an internal conversation that can't be heard out loud; a bit like telepathy. Through this power, most/all computer based systems have a knack to be [i]persuaded[/i] into doing whatever operation within its means that Morgan so desires. This has a variable range of about 15 ft, though Morgan tends to try to stay within 5 ft for the personal respect given to the object in question. This power has the added bonus to run machines off of Morgan instead of it's normal power supply. This gives a bit more absolute control over the object at the cost of higher focus and exhaustion from prolonged use. [b]Weapons[/b]: A Shield attached to Morgan's wrist via a computerized nano wire cable reel, allowing it to stay attached or be reeled back relatively fast with up to 200lbs of force. A hardened cased 3D-printer, with a handle, of sorts that allows Morgan to create miniature spider-bot drones and the like suited for combat purposes. Or otherwise be able to bash people upside the head with. [b]Equipment[/b]: A satchel/hand bag for the most valuable of personal items (money, books, junk food). Other: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8p_dQMsW4Q]Theme?[/url] [/hider]