Welcome to GrayFox’s interest check! You get bonus points if you know who Gray Fox is ;) I’m not new to Roleplaying but I am new to the Guild. I’ve been roleplaying for about 10 years now, I manage casual to advanced depending on my interest in the story. I play both male and female characters but I prefer to play male. I’m fine with mature content as long as you are 18+ (I myself am 25). There is one caveat to the mature content – I do not do smut, I am a fade to black kind of guy. [s]I don’t have a list of rules because I don’t think I need any, if that changes, I’ll update the thread.[/s] I have one rule now, well it's more of a tip or a guideline really. I have a few RPs going and they're all by PM, sometimes I lose track because they get buried in my inbox. If you messaged me and I haven't responded within 24 hours, send me another message, chances are I read it but forgot to respond in the chaos that is my inbox. Below are a list of fandoms and originals. I’ll add descriptions and/or starters later. Anything that I’m no longer accepting interest in will be crossed out. For Fandoms, I prefer AU (Alternate Universe) so we don’t have to worry about jiving with cannon. I'm also a sucker for romance, otherwise I just lose interest in the story. So here we go! [u]Fandoms[/u] Dragon Age Dungeons and Dragons Harry Potter Hunger Games [s]Mass Effect[/s] [s]Metal Gear[/s] Resident Evil [s]Star Wars[/s] Tomb Raider (the reboot) Twilight (don’t judge) Walking Dead [u]Originals[/u] Post Apocalypse [hider=Info]The world as we know it has ended. Lawlessness rules the land, survival of the fittest. 2 unlikely people become allies/friends (maybe it grows to more over time). They attempt to set up a new world order.[/hider] War Arranged Marriage Anything you can think of, I might be interested (I do reserve the right to say no). NEW: One night stand with an accidental pregnancy [u]Updates[/u] I am currently working 80+ hours per week. I am making every effort to reply to RPs when I get home from work but due to a need for sleep I may only reply every other day or so. If this is a problem for people I already RP with, there will be no hard feelings if you want to withdraw from the RP. For new people who want to RP with me, feel free to hit me up but know that I may not RP with you do to time constraints. Thanks!