[center][color=9966cc][h1]James Wolfe[/h1][/color][/center] A particularly tall redhead looked over the crowd that had formed in front of him at the famed Akatsuki Academy. A burning cigarette hung lightly between his lips and an occasional cloud of smoke would exit his mouth every so often. The young man watched everyone with a weary regard and slight curiosity. Jamie Wolfe felt a twinge of annoyance as the gates were closed and locked behind them. Were they to be kept here like prisoners? Had he just accidentally walked into a trap? God, he hoped he was wrong. James crossed his arms as someone who looked to be an authoritative figure stepped onto a stone platform. It seems that she was going to be their instructor. It was a woman that looked like a young and odd librarian. He smirked to himself, she didn't exactly have an intimidating face to match her stern personality. Finally, she spoke up, [color=ed1c24]"Welcome to Akatsuki Academy, applicants. I'm the Senior Instructor Reiko Asamiya, however most of you might have heard of me by the moniker of Scarlet Sage. I'll be hadling your education along with the other teachers. Now that the introductions have been made, let me go straight to the matters at hand. I'm sure most of you think you are here to become heroes and heroines, to fight for justice and defend the weak. Thus, before anything more is said, I ask of you. What is a Chaser?"[/color] Jamie decided to keep his mouth shut and see what people had to say, and boy he was not disappointed. One bright young soul piped in with an extremely intelligent response (not). [color=DarkOrchid]"A chaser is a cool dude who fucks shit up!"[/color] James' eye actually twitched in annoyance. He seriously questioned if someone that dumb sounding should be trained to be a Chaser. [color=9966cc]"What have I gotten myself into..." He mumbled to himself.[/color]