I sort of have a world building point that I've used before in 1x1s and I figured I'd drop it here and see if it was something anyone would be interested in for this game. It's not really a plot point or anything, but I think it's neat. Feel free to decline if you think the fit would be too wonky! Alright, so I call it the 'knackverse', because I'm ultra creative like that. XD Basically everyone has one thing that they are incredibley good at. It could be something really useful, like telekinesis, mind reading, or being a crack shot etc. Or it could be really silly like always knowing where the closest body of water is, being able to talk to animals, or always making the perfect cup of tea. Not 100% sure if this would even fit in well with this kind of story, but I figured I'd get the ball rolling so other people weren't scared to add their ideas! :P