So, I've done some thinking about where I want to start and so forth. I'm assuming the center of the map is where the equator runs, so the middle would be warm and the north and south would be cooler. If that's the case, I wish to claim... ...the little lime green dot in the big dark red circle. My people will be known as the Zatotep. I'll provide an actual NS later. [img][/img] [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] I fell like this would make a perfect "theme song" for this RP, or at least the start. [youtube][/youtube] I'll try to get up a sheet sometime soon. [/quote] I still prefer the singing in the original version of Baba Yetu, but still, it's a powerful song. The lyrics are actually a prayer. I'll post their translation in a hider below. Somehow the singing is just... I don't know. It's uplifting and passionate. I'm not a religious person myself; in fact, if I had to identify as any sort of religion, I'd answer "Apatheist" or "Agnostic." Still, it's a darned great song. [hider=Translated Lyrics]Our Father, who art in Heaven. Amen! Our Father, Hallowed be thy name. Give us this day our daily bread, Forgive us of our trespasses, As we forgive others Who trespass against us Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one forever. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven. (Amen)[/hider] [youtube][/youtube]