[@Gravislayer][@MonsieurShade] A smile was etched over Reema's features, one that caused the scar on her face to slide slightly. This was what she missed, to be scouting a new area and conversing how to take down such massive beasts when they had yet to even be given a job for such a monster. It was still great to hear everyone's thoughts, it shown how each enjoyed to fight. She couldn't help but notice Roland's sudden change in attitude though. It was a dangerous trait if that would keep up. To be affected mentally so easily during a hunt would get someone if not his entire team killed if his mind is somewhere else. [color=92278f]"Roland, are you aright my friend?"[/color] She was not someone to jet let problems sit in the sun and rot. No, if they were going to be putting each other's lives in their hands they needed to know if each one was at their best or worst so they can cover for each other. Yet the moment she mentioned a larger monster may be in the area he unsheathed his weapon, another slightly worrying sign. If he was sound in the mind there would be no problem, but he may end up using the behemoth in his hands when he wouldn't have to. [color=92278f]"Just be careful"[/color] her words quiet she made her way through the woods, the valley at her back only to find a stream before them. The trickling water rather soothing, she could even hear Felynes in the foliage, somewhere at least. Ahead was the caverns entrance, a gaping maw open wide for any sized monster to get through. Yet as she began to step forward she froze, kneeling down, her guard up once more she traced the ground with her finger tips, the compacted dirt and grass wouldn't give way to much but she could still feel and slightly see the outline of tracks that were extremely familiar. [color=92278f]"Wait, got an idea"[/color] She was already looking up, the tracks didn't seem like a beast had jumped, just a straight even line. Moving to the side of the cavern entrance she grabbed a outcrop of stone, pulling herself up little by little. She had to admit that little thing like this were indeed fun, the perch she found herself on was breath taking, she could see the different areas in the caverns with an open sky and even see the small arena like field to her left. Crouching down though she moved forward, only to hold her breath when she heard the familiar cries of jaggi, and a much larger form. Pink and violet scales, with a thin crown and talons the size of her arm Reema just watched as it stepped slowly through the room, its smaller followers nipping and calling at it's heels trying to gain some special treatment. Silently she looked back over to her companions, mentioning them up and to keep quiet she offered a hand to them on any way up. "Great jaggi, we have a request for jaggi but nothing about the leader." Her voice a whisper she kept looking at the beast to make sure it was in her sights. [color=92278f]"What do we want to do, we can just wait him out, I got enough supplies to take him down with some help but if we do we should head back to the village so a kill that size won't attract anything else."[/color] She was open to any outcome. They could set the village up for some time with a great jaggi kill, and she could make a new piece of armour even if they split the resources. But at the same time it was not an emergency that they needed a large monster, no one asked for a great jaggi by name.