[@Narcotic Dollie] That actually reminds me of something similar that I was playing with. Each person had one power or exceptional talent but they were normal otherwise. Admittedly, my idea involved everyone starting out weak and then "leveling up" their talent. Part of the fun would be that it was only the talent that would improve. Basic normal would remain. But, that's a little harder to do without some kind of EXP mechanic in place. The idea itself is solid since a lot of characters are normally given suites of abilities so that they don't have any glaring weaknesses. I also had an idea for a Sanctuary Castle. Every major doorway was a barrier and they only allowed people through who fulfilled the necessary conditions. Like, since there were giant monster rats in the cellar, only a person with a combat talent could go to the cellar alone. A non-combat-talent could only go in if they had a combat talent with them. Things like that. Of course, outside the castle would be a monster infested wilderness teeming with everything from carnivorous clouds to trees that walk on their leaves and like to eat teeth.