Just as Jacob was getting up to walk around campus, he sighed as his stomach grumbled. "Damn, I gotta eat..." Looking around, he tried to force himself to remember where he and his father had put his snacks. He wasn't ready to get back to the Caelbury life just yet, and eating low-quality processed and packaged foods actually made him feel better than the 5-star meals the cafeteria served, but only sometimes. Other times he felt like being pampered, and that was when he got as much as he could eat at the cafeteria. He needed the food anyway, because for some godforsaken reason, he would actually lose weight if he didn't eat like a monster. Considering that he was already underweight, this confused most people, Jacob included. After grabbing a packet of pop tarts, Jacob ate the pastries right out of the packet, making sure to pick up any crumbs that fell on the floor. His roommate was coming eventually, and he didn't want to be caught looking like a slob. About halfway through, he grabbed a bottle of water and his pill bottle, unscrewing them both and setting them down on the desk where he'd put his laptop. Grabbing a single pill, he glared at the tiny medicine capsule before putting it into his mouth and drinking a gulp of water, swallowing the liquid and the pill down. Closing both bottles, he finished his pop tarts off and sat down on his computer. He was suddenly lacking the desire to leave his room. Not a big surprise, just taking his pills was enough to make him a little depressed. Shrugging off his annoyance, Jacob went onto the internet and started browsing his frequently visited sites, eventually settling on listening to music and singing out loud to it. "What have I become...my sweetest friend...everyone I know...goes away...in the end..." Every song, most of which were depressing as all hell, let him release the pent-up emotion inside of him. A few salty tears started streaming down his face. And then a knock at the door. As he turned his head, the door opened and the harbinger of the apocalypse poked his head inside. [i] August...MARCO?!?!? Oh....oh fuck no. [/i] His eyes were as large as a pair of plates, and he knew it. He couldn't stop himself from jerking his head back to his laptop, the sappy sad music playing in the air. His eyes darting between August and the laptop, he sighed and paused the song. "Hello....so, looks like...we're gonna be rooming. Yeah..." He looked back into the room and decided he'd just get on with it. "So...I brought a TV and some video games with me. You, uh, you can play them if you want..." He gestured sluggishly to the 48" TV on a small table near the wall, with a pair of video game consoles under it. "I don't know if we've really formally met...I'm Jacob." He offered his hand, sighing a little. There was no point in faking it in front of August now. His eyes were still probably red, and he could feel the tears still gathering. Wiping his eyes with his free hand, he tried to wave it off. "The music reminds me of an old friend...he ain't around any more, though."