[quote=@Takashi] [@Rainmaker] Hello and welcome. You bring up a good point with PvP. I've been doing combat RP for about a decade now, have experienced many systems, and have also ran into many players that, frankly, suck at combat. I am confident enough in my experience with PvP combat that I'm sure I can make it enjoyable if that's what people want. So, Let's have everybody take a vote on a few options: 1.) PvP anywhere anytime. 2.) PvP only in "combat areas." 3.) PvP only with two consenting parties 4.) No PvP. [/quote] Hello~ I'm all for an eastern fantasy sort of RP. I hope you don't mind me throwing in my two cents here. I was working on a bigger post to answer some of the other stuff in the first post, but I'll go ahead and throw my opinion in the ring on this. I'm not to sure that PvP combat in RP is all that big of a deal, honestly. I've been doing it for quite awhile, and never have run into that many problems. (Aside from some people auto-hitting, but then they usually get told off by the GM) I think the best way to do PvP is just make sure everyone consents to it. Of course, some situations that might be difficult, since not fighting could be out of character for a character. I think the best solution is to always just be respectful, and if you really don't want to fight then simply talk it over and come up with a solution that would end with the person who doesn't wish to fight, escaping or not getting injured in some manner that isn't out of character. So, 3 I think would work best form the options there.