[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/OazNv9k.png[/img] [color=00BFFF][b]Storm's King; The First Gale; The Embodiment of Change Level 2 God of Change (Air)[/b] 5 Might & 2 Free Points[/color][/center] In one moment Zephyrion had been engaged in play, and in the next that noble lord of Change and the Winds found himself enveloped with energy and swept along in a gale not of his making. Primal energies abounded and surged everywhere; he relished and absorbed them just as a withered plant was nourished by the rains. Existing in a dormant state of bliss while the swirls and tides of energy washed over him, he at last began to awaken to a hazy, half-lucid state. Billions of years had passed since that first Big Bang: nebulae of gases had coalesced into stars, and many of those first balls of plasma had already gorged themselves, lived their short lives, and finally died in great explosions. Planets and newer stars had already formed from the remnants of those ancients. Zephyrion was vaguely aware of the presence of an unimaginably vast universe. The pinpoints of light from distant stars carpeted their way through the inky black void and stretched all the way around one's vision. The other gods were quick to move, scurrying here or there, most of them heading towards that empty planet below. Like moths, they were attracted to the first light that they saw. Zephyrion personally saw no appeal in visiting that barren rock. In truth, nothing held much appeal to him now; he was content merely to observe. The mere twinkling of the distant starlight in all its beauty was enough to content him, that simple and subtle change in brightness more beautiful than anything else. Though it had seemed inconsequential, he realized that his involvement in righting those flawed blueprints had been the entire purpose of his creation. By lending his power and that energy of Change into that divine parchment, he had created all of [i]this.[/i] The tempest that was Zephyrion floated above Galbar contemplating beauty and his existence for many millions of years. The air that he conjured from the emptiness of space was flung back out into the void, and much it fell back down to the planet below. Over the course of some time, it accumulated and created an atmosphere rich in elemental oxygen and hydrogen. Much of that hydrogen eventually reacted to form the first droplets of fresh water that would rain down from the skies. While the other gods scurried down on the surface like ants and did as they wished, Zephyrion remained in solitude up there for many a millennium. Time currently held little meaning, after all. Eventually, he grew bored of that and his long apathy ended. If his purpose had already been fulfilled, then why did he still exist? At first he had thought that it was his reward: the ability to watch as the Change that he had created worked in a million different ways to create this breathing, dynamic universe. But what was the point in merely being a silent observer? His powers had only grown now that the Change that he commanded was so omnipresent; his role was not done! He would continue to exist, bringing Change whenever and wherever he pleased, as befit a Supreme Being of his nature. What else was one to do for amusement? In the very instant that he had arrived to that grand conclusion, he began to impulsively move. No longer content to simply travel in circles around the sun with Galbar, lightly swirling high above in its skies, the mighty storm raced through space. Faster than light he traveled, the gases that had whirled in his stormy form giving way to create pure energy. As a beam of heavenly lightning he shot through the sky, passing by a thousand galaxies in every moment. At last he stopped in this place, having left Galbar and all his siblings far behind. He examined his surroundings briefly, finding himself amidst another solar system not so different from the one that he had left. In space around him he could sense the presence of a dozen planets circling this star. A dozen new toys! He looked at one of those barren rocks and suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to destroy it. Giggling, he decided to test his power. He willed into existence a small spark, then coaxed it into growing into a larger, snaking, writhing bolt of lightning. Holding it like a spear, Storm's King plunged it downwards into the planet below, impaling the rock with that lance of pure energy. There was a massive spark, and an unimaginably strong bolt of lightning flew from high above down to the surface of the planet and struck it with untold amounts of power. Its great explosion vitrified stone and scattered fragments of stone high into the air, some flying for hundreds of miles before returning back to the planet. But still the planet remained, relatively unscathed! Flustered, Zephyrion realized that not even he was so powerful as to destroy an entire planet so easily. The revelation that there was something that he couldn't do was infuriating. Regardless, he would not allow that rock to best him! One day he would return and reduce it to a thousand splinters of rock, then hurl them into the sun... Until that day came, he would have to wait and grow stronger. He quickly memorized the precise location of that place, then returned to Galbar before the taunting, marred surface of that planet tormented him any further. In a fit of anger, he transformed into a mighty gust and slammed into Galbar. Laughing as his collision hurled a great deal of matter into space and left the planet spinning wildly, he then realized that this particular planet was already being played with by a few of the other gods. Suddenly feeling guilty, he decided that they might be saddened if he left their toy in such a broken state. He took the time to stabilize the planet somewhat and stop it from spinning so wildly, but he left its axis with a slight tilt. Galbar had circled around its sun many times whilst Zephyrion had been struggling to calm its frenzied dance, and he had seen how that tilt had brought about winters and summers as each side had a different angle to the sun throughout the year. The icy tundras created by Vakarlon expanded and receded throughout the year with the variance in temperature, and the varying levels of sunlight and energy across the surface led to the movement of air in great winds. Those small, dynamic changes pleased him, and so he left it as a permanent touch to the world that could only add to its beauty. [hider=Summary] -Zephyrion floats wordlessly and calmy above Galbar for many millennia, the air that he exhales and blow away falling down to create a suitable atmosphere. Some of the air is hydrogen, with burns to create more water. -Worth noting is that Galbar's high oxygen content in the atmosphere can allow for huge lifeforms, like the dinosaurs or giant insects. -Suddenly bored, Zephyrion traveled far away and briefly spent his time trying to destroy a planet only to fail at doing more than scarring it. -In a bad mood, he returns and slams into Galbar. -For several years Galbar is left spinning wildly while Zephyrion tries to fix that mess. Eventually its orbit is stabilized again, but it retained an axial tilt that will allow seasons to exist. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] Created atmosphere for free, because Zephyrion is the air god. 1 Free Point used to create seasons 5 might & 1 FP remain [/hider]