[hider=Gyuuki] Name: Gyuuki Title: Blushing Beast Gender: Female Race: Youkai (Ushi-oni) Age: 17 Height: 1.95m Weight: 98kg Appearance: [hider=Picture] [img]http://i.imgur.com/m3ttbIN.jpg[/img] [/hider] Gyuuki’s Youkai features are obvious from any distance, despite being born in a humanoid form she holds many aspects common to ox demons (Ushi-Oni). One feature in particular annoys her, the deep black eyes, they work exactly like any other eye yet she is extremely reluctant to show them in public, due to that she is always wearing something over them. She likes the color pink, mostly due to it being her natural hair color, and often dresses in combinations of pink and white. Personality: Despite the bestial look, Gyuuki is timid and calm. Her shyness doesn’t go as far as to make her awkward, yet she will often avoid socialization and crowds in general, the main cause being the loud sounds and the way she stands out. She heavily prefers outdoors to indoors, not only because of her size, but because she prefers open and calm places. She doesn’t hold many hobbies, she sleeps, she eats and she trains, she was often invited to try new things but her stubborn nature gets in the way. As expected, she is a vegetarian, she also has a strong love for bread and sweets. It takes a lot to make her angry at anything, often she will simply dismiss any verbal offense or even light physical violence. However once she holds a grudge it will take a lot for her to forgive the person, and even then, her stubborn suspicion of the person can last years. Short Bio: As many other Youkai her birth was not normal. Gyuuki’s was born from an old statue of a fully bestial Ushi-oni that was kept in the center of a village to ward off evil forces. How that happened is not know, she could have been a spirit that took home in the statue or born from the vestigial forces of the beast the statue was based on. What is known however is that when a pack of beasts walked into the center of the village the statue crumbled, and as it did a 7-years old Gyuuki charged out of it and started to fight off the creatures despite her lack of weapons or clothes. It was a marginal victory, all Gyuuki did was wound the beasts enough for them to leave, and as soon as they did she collapsed to the ground, her body full of wounds and one of her horns broken. The villagers took care of her, initially expecting her to be some wise and ancient Youkai, but soon learning how far she was from that. Meanwhile her strength was appreciated most of the families didn’t like the idea of having an youkai at home, so she never got to have a parental figure. She had a simple life from there onwards, only a handful of attacks happened and most of the time Gyuuki’s inhuman strength was used in simple work. Said life would have continued normally if it was not for a group of slavers that took interest in such an exemplar worker. Of course their raid was no match for the youkai girl, but the villagers got scared, she was supposed to ward off trouble, not bring more of it. Soon after Gyuuki found herself being sent to the Akatsuki Academy under a handful of cheap excuses. Manifestation: Primal Vigor. This permits Gyuuki to burn her Stamina at a quick pace, this does make her stronger, but the true improvement is on her agility. Normally her movements are wonky, she can barely jump and can only run in straight line charges, however with this she can move faster and jump high for a few moments. Weapons: Gyuuki stubbornly sticks to her fists. There are plenty of knuckles around, some even Flux based, however the Youkai insists just her body is more than enough to bring anything down. Equipment: A Canteen full of water. Primal Vigor takes a toll on her body, not only she gets fatigued but her whole body feels like its burning. Other: Theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF4DTutGGCo [/hider]