[color=F0E68C][h1][b]Makoto Kanemaru[/b][/h1][/color][hr][hr] [color=F0E68C][b]"Akatsuki Academy… This must be it." [/b][/color] Like any other dark and gloomy day, the large red moon loomed over the city's buildings. One of those buildings being Akatsuki Academy; Makoto Kanemaru's next destination. The building was much larger than she had expected, even though it was to be expected. This wasn't a time to be distract though. With a wave of students – or 'critters', as she liked to call the smaller ones – attempting to sweep her through the gates, Makoto couldn't just stand around and let herself topple over. The crowd would only continue to grow with another ten students entering each second. Then, a small thud. [b]"A-Ah, sorry about that! I didn't meant to, uh…"[/b] a squeaky voice apologised. If she remembered correctly, this was a school for the… older students, was it not? [color=F0E68C][b]"Huh?"[/b][/color] As she cocked her head around, the smaller girl shrieked. Makoto simply raised an eyebrow. [color=F0E68C][b]"Er, sorry, was I in your way or–"[/b][/color] [b]"I-I'm terribly sorry! Please, d-don't hurt me!"[/b] And just like that, the little critter scuttled off. Again, Makoto raised an eyebrow. Why did she have to run off like that? Ah, of course. Hair worn down, eyes dark from no sleep, dressed in mainly black. Coupled with her naturally pale skin and naturally looming figure, it was a literal recipe for the perfect Halloween costume. Okay, now she was just being a tad too harsh on herself. Makoto couldn't help it if she happened to be taller and paler than most girls, right? Well, the truth's the truth. [b]"Welcome to Akatsuki Academy, applicants. I'm the Senior Instructor Reiko Asamiya, however most of you might have heard of me by the moniker of Scarlet Sage. I'll be handling your education along with the other teachers. Now that the introductions have been made, let me go straight to the matters at hand. I'm sure most of you think you are here to become heroes and heroines, to fight for justice and defend the weak. Thus, before anything more is said, I ask of you. What is a Chaser?"[/b] Was that rhetorical? [b]"Hold up quick question, is this place just filled with a bunch of basic white skinny bitches? Because that all I'm getting from looking at most these people here; some of you mother fuckers need to eat a god damn sandwich."[/b] Makoto blinked. [color=F0E68C][b]"Well, I do see your point, some of the people here don't really look that physically fit…"[/b][/color] Makoto muttered, looking over the crowd herself. After glancing over, she looked back at the… rather tall boy. [color=F0E68C][b]"…also, maybe a sandwich wouldn't do so good on its own… Having a healthy meal and exercising each day should be able to build up some proper muscle, you know?"[/b][/color] If her father were to hear of this conversation he would most likely be face palming right now. As much as he loved his daughter to bits her oblivious nature was sure to send anyone into rage. [color=F0E68C][b]"The average teen [i]does[/i] have what it takes to build more muscle as they grow older, regardless of their race. It's the truth."[/b][/color] The few surrounding students where probably quaking in their shoes as to what could possibly follow up next. Makoto's blank, seemingly clueless expression was making it even more likely. [b]"A chaser is a cool dude who fucks shit up!"[/b] [b]"It means your a hero of the Crimson sky !! Bound to protect people that can't protect their selves!"[/b] It seemed the question wasn't rhetorical after all. [color=F0E68C][i][b]Come to think of it… it's actually a much more complicated question than that…[/b][/i][/color] Maybe Makoto would wait and see what the others said first.