[h2]Kana Yamaguchi[/h2] [b]"Order for me, I don't mind."[/b] [color=AFEEEE][b]"Ah, okay. I see. No problem,"[/b][/color] Kana responded. Well, it was going to be seafood ramen for the both of them, then. [b] "Sorry for the wait! It's been a bit hectic these past few hours,"[/b] the brunette interrupted. Her voice was, surprisingly, quite upbeat and cheerful. Almost annoying. [b][color=AFEEEE]"Oh, it's no problem,"[/color][/b] Kana said, giving the shorter woman a small smile. A smile used to melt the hearts of unsuspecting civilians and mages alike. But Kana wasn't here to cause some quiet chaos. She was here to fill her hungry stomach, as well as the stomach of the other smaller mage. [color=AFEEEE][b]"Two bowls of seafood ramen should do for the two of us,"[/b][/color] Kana asked, gesturing to her new friend. Only thing is, she wasn't there anymore. The woman looked over at the small mage's current position, eyeing her as she spoke to the redhead from before. It was way too loud to hear what they were saying from this distance, but it still looked pretty… suspicious. Maybe the two knew each other perhaps. Once Kana had found her table, she walked over to the two mages with soft steps. She brushed a few strands of her hair back, just for the extra charm factor. After all, first impressions where important. Very important. [color=AFEEEE][b]"Is this a friend of yours?"[/b][/color] Kana asked her short companion.