[center][h1][color=f49ac2]Juniper Finlay[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6mf2FoN.png[/img][/center] Juniper awaited amongst the crowd, practically bouncing. She was physically trying to stay still, but it was pointless. She was far too nervicited. She was here! Akatsuki Academy! The place where heroes are made! She scanned the crowd, looking for someone even remotely as animate as herself. There were a couple of faces that looked suitably upbeat, but most of her future classmates were wearing stoic masks. Lame! How were they not all buzzing? What kind of person wants to look stern and serious when they are literally going to a hero academy? Skipping inside, her pink hair and dress making her stick out like a sore thumb despite her miniscule size, Juniper noticed a girl dressed like Little Red Riding Hood leaning against a tree. She smiled and waved vigorously at the fairytale girl, but got nothing in response. [color=fff200] "Damn, that girl's self entitled bitch face game is on fleek."[/color] a masculine voice said from the left of her. Looking over, she saw a tall, dark-skinned, snowy haired fellow. [color=fff200]"Either that or she feels like she can kick everyone's ass."[/color] He continued. Juniper moved a little closer to this boy. She took sassy over serious any day. The gates were locked behind them, a newcomer squeezing past at the last possible minute. Whilst everyone else panicked, Juniper just grinned. There was no need for her to panic. She had total faith in her trusty War-Pick,which she drummed on delicately as she waited. [color=ed1c24]"Welcome to Akatsuki Academy, applicants."[/color] Began an important looking woman from a platform [color=ed1c24]"I'm the Senior Instructor Reiko Asamiya, however most of you might have heard of me by the moniker of Scarlet Sage. I'll be handling your education along with the other teachers. Now that the introductions have been made, let me go straight to the matters at hand. I'm sure most of you think you are here to become heroes and heroines, to fight for justice and defend the weak. Thus, before anything more is said, I ask of you. What is a Chaser?"[/color] What on earth was a mon-ik-er? [color=fff200]"Hold up quick question, is this place just filled with a bunch of basic white skinny bitches? Because that's all I'm getting from looking at most these people here; some of you motherfuckers need to eat a goddamn sandwich."[/color] Juniper, being the skinniest and whitest of bitches, looked up at the taller boy. [color=f49ac2]"What kind of sandwich? Like a hotdog or a jam sandwich or... or an Ice-Cream Sandwich!"[/color] Juniper's face lit up immeasurably at the thought of an ice-cream sandwich. What kind would she have? Strawberry? Chocolate? Vanilla? Mint choc chip? Neapolitan! Definitely Neapolitan! And two chocolate wafers on the top! No, no, fairy bread! Make it a proper sandwich! Fairy bread, jam and Neapolitan ice-cream! Yes, she would like a sandwich like that very much. When she snapped back to reality, two of the students were yelling answers to Reiko's question [b]"A chaser is a cool dude who fucks shit up!"[/b] [color=0072bc]"It means you're a hero of the Crimson sky!! Bound to protect people that can't protect their selves!"[/color] Juniper's arm practically wrenched out of the socket as she threw her hand in the air [color=f49ac2]"Oh! Oh! I think I know!"[/color] she cried. What was it her Dad said? [color=f49ac2]"A Chaser is... it's a person who hunts down evil creatures called You-Kai who feed on the weak and foolish. And.. something about a Prince who killed a bunch of people a long time ago and that's why the moon's all red or something. And not all the Yoo-kay are evil, so Chasers should only hunt the bad ones!"[/color] Her Dad [i]had[/i] talked with her about this, but she couldn't remember all the details. Ah well, it probably wasn't important.