I have no team preference :) [hider=Charlie Strange] [b]Name[/b]: Charlie Strange [b]Title[/b]: Doc Marvelous [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human. [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Height[/b]: 157 cm. [b]Weight[/b]: 60 kg [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://images.plurk.com/955766483b48049edbeaea0a7a5e6f8a.jpg[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: Curiosity is the name of his game, the sole motivation for everything Charlie does can be traced back to a single question “[i]Can[/i] I make that?” not whether he should, or if it would be ethical. Only “Can”. Can he create a serum that can create the perfect race car driver? Probably, but he hasn’t really tried. What about a seed that can grow into a car? Well he’s done a bicycle before so he may have to go up to a moped, to motorcycle and then to car, but one of the first things he learned was don’t mess with biotech. You don’t want your car to try and eat you, that would ruin your day. So lesson learned, Charlie no longer tries to make biological life... what's that artificial? Well.. what's the harm? [b]Short Bio[/b]: Charlie was born to genius parents. His mother had an analytical mind, father a scientific one. His father made things and his mother figured out what they actually did, a fun relationship that left Charlie in a world of where almost anything could be made. One day he found the old archived comics section of the library. Seeing all the space age adventures and the retro-futuristic technology, Charlie decided he would give it a go. Picking up some lemon yellow and cherry red paint on the way home he went into his Dad’s workshop and got to work. After what felt like an hour or two Charlie had an ugly grey ray gun when his Dad tapped him on the shoulder. Apparently Charlie had been working on it for almost a day and as soon as that was said Charlie passed out from exhaustion. When he woke he found that his Dad had painted it and had his mother test it for him. Turned out it actually worked and making things became a father/son bonding activity. Since then, Charlie made a whole manner of gadgets and gizmos and found himself. Finding himself burning through the home budget, Charlie figured it would be smarter to go to Akatsuki Academy, a place with the resources for him to reach his full potential. [b]Manifestation[/b]: Mad Science: Charlie can make just about anything, given enough time and the right parts. He's not MacGyver and he's not magic, meaning he can't make a bomb out of a banana or any of that nonsense. Mad Science is also arrogant and will not repeat a past creation. it also will not repair, but he will upgrade. [b]Weapons[/b]: A laser ray gun that looks like it came straight out of the 1950’s idea of the future, cherry red with a yellow lightning bolt, and he accidentally invented a method of creating an adhesive grenade when trying to create a new orange flavored soda. It still smells like oranges [b]Equipment[/b]: A belt that can [i]theoretically [/i]teleport him any distance, but physically exhausts him. If he teleports 100 meters, he will feel as if he ran 100 meter’s in an instant so he has to be careful, teleporting is no good if you die from exhaustion afterwards. [b]Other[/b]: Anything not covered above. [/hider]