[center][h2][color=gold]Gil[/color][/h2][/center] The young man had already arrived several days ago, but he stayed a hotel until the Academy's opening day. He didn't have a lot of money but the place was cheap so it worked out in his favor. But as he entered the school grounds and silently inspected the horde of fellow students that entered with him he began to feel disappointed. [i][color=gold]A lot of these people seem like they came here for fun or something,[/color][/i] he noted mentally, keeping his mouth shut as he found a good place to stand. Being somewhat taller than the most of the other prospective students it was easy to see everything. Gil wasn't the tallest but he was tall enough. In fact, because his height allowed him to easily focus on the platform where someone would surely address the crowd, he didn't notice the many staring eyes that rested their gaze on the massive handgun holstered at his waist. There was a good number of people with weapons here, but perhaps the sheer size of his Aerok fascinated the other students. After all no normal teenager, or even an adult, would be able to wield a thing like that. It didn't take long for the Senior Instructor to take to the stage and address the new students. Gil didn't find her opening speech particularly interesting until she asked everyone what a Chaser is. Seemed like a rhetorical question to him, but soon enough people began shouting out what a Chaser meant to them. Someone said it was being cool, another didn't even seem to have ever heard of Chasers, and yet another declared it was being a hero. Gil let out a sigh and closed his eyes, shaking his head. When he opened them again he looked back to Reiko on the stage. [i][color=gold]My father told me about her, the Scarlet Sage. She already knows that this bunch is largely unfit. I just have to hope that none of them will drag me down with them...[/color][/i] With another glance around the crowd, to see if anyone else would say something he figured was stupid, he noticed a few... odd people. Not everyone here was human. His annoyed expression settled into a frown as he looked to the dark sky above. [i][color=gold]They must be desperate if they are willing to accept both fools and monsters into their ranks...[/color][/i] [center][h2][color=gray]Erisa[/color][/h2][/center] The Flower Spirit girl was already at the Akatsuki Academy before they opened their doors. She hadn't officially enrolled, per se, but they allowed her to stay on the school grounds for the past couple weeks leading up to the new semester. Erisa had no money and nowhere else to be, and perhaps the Academy understood that the young Youkai was well-meaning and in need of some assistance. Either way she was here now, waiting to properly join the school that was supposed to help her with her goal. Erisa was easily able to spot other Youkai among the students, even the ones that appeared human like she did. It was a feeling, like an instinct, to recognize the non-humans at a glance. Knowing she wasn't alone in her plight made her feel a bit more comfortable, but the overwhelming majority of students were humans and Erisa already knew that humans didn't often accept "monsters" like her into their midst. At least the people running the Academy were understanding. They even gave her weapons, so surely they were great allies to have. As Reiko asked what a Chaser is to the crowd and various others began answering the question, Erisa became confused. While most already had an idea in their mind of what a Chaser is she had absolutely no clue what that term meant. She had only ever heard it in passing a few times. [color=gray]"What [i]is[/i] a Chaser?"[/color] she mumbled to herself aloud, bringing a hand to her chin as she contemplated. As far as she could tell Chasers were humans that hunted down Youkai. But wasn't she about to become a Chaser then? Yet Erisa isn't human, so it isn't an exclusive term. Perhaps it is a job rather than a classification. Not all people who hunt Youkai would be Chasers, in that sense. The more she thought about it the more uncertain she became. Speaking of "hunting" Youkai didn't sit well with her. She was here to get assistance in "cleansing" the world and bringing back balance to nature. Erisa knew she was going to kill Youkai, but that isn't her specific goal. She decided to wait for Reiko's answer, as surely the Senior Instructor had the correct answer in store and wasn't asking because she didn't know.